Superphysics Superphysics
Author 15

Dr. Sten Lothigius

3 minutes  • 628 words
Table of contents


The Classical Principle Of Relativity Is Valid For Physics As A Whole And [For] Large [Scale] And Also For The Optical - Electrical World 1)

While physical theories are generally based on the principle of normal speed, the theory of the interference of light makes an exception.

She chose the reverse speed for the cornerstone. That’s not a mistake.

If one forgets the cornerstone of a theory in calculations and carries out arithmetic operations which contradict it, one will encounter stones of contention.

[Maybe a pun because Einstein translates from German as “one stone”.]

In this case, where one relies on a theory that is correct in and of itself, a slip is very forgivable.

It can happen to the best: Nemo Omnibus horis sapit [Latin-> No man is wise at all hours].

Such errors, however, are extremely annoying and difficult to spot and, once made, have a tendency to become chronic.

Even after it had been found that the logical consequences were nonsensical and that this resulted in a calculation error, one could consider for a long time what this inner contradiction was based on.

One absolutely did not want to work out a theory which proved to be correct even after repeated testing.[Doesn’t seem right.]

All that remains is to logically consider the ultimate foundation of the theory, and to ponder whether it is the only conceivable one or some other possibility, and, in such a case, to make clear the correspondence between these other foundations and the scope of each.

If L denotes the path of light in water, c denotes the velocity of light in a vacuum, w denotes that in still water and water denotes velocity v, then Fizeau has 1) The author takes a very mechanistic point of view with regard to light.

He realizes that the rays of light and the electrons are elastic wires, their undulations take place without the need for any aether (Esquisse etc., Stockholm 1920).

It is since 1922 that the author emphasizes as his view that the Lorentz transformation is flawed from the mathematical point of view.

The following lines give a short excerpt in German translation from his work, which came out in Swedish in 1929: “Achilles and the turtle”.

according to his famous experiment concerning the speed of light in running water, according to the theory of interference, found as the path difference sought: After dividing by the wavelength it reached a value again as large as that which the experiment showed, and, therefore, and following Fresnel’s theory 1), he declared that the drag coefficient in this special case was 7/16. -

Now to the problem of Achilles and the turtle.

But now we do not concern ourselves with the time it takes for him to reach it, but we calculate the path made by the mobile one, as we are now doing, to calculate in a theoretical way the displacement of the interference that results in the different speeds of two rays of light, it is of course necessary to first know the difference in the path before one can get involved in dividing with the wavelength.

If c is the speed of Achilles and w is the speed of turtles, since one turtle runs at the speed of W + V and another only runs at the speed of W - V, one will find the difference in path:

If the expression is divided by the wavelength, one obtains numerically the displacement of the fringes of the interferences found by Fizeau through experimentation. This means a victory for the classical principle of relativity because it has been proven that the speed of light is changed by +/- v, which was the speed of the water flow.

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