Movement and Rest
4 minutes • 695 words
Table of contents
- 26. Effort is both needed for action and rest
- 27. Motion and rest are merely two different modes of a moving body
- 28. Local motion only happens when the body is moved from the bodies contiguous to it
- 29. Local motion only happens when the bodies contiguous to the moving body are at rest.
- 30. When 2 contiguous bodies are separated from each other, why is one is said to be moving instead of the other?
26. Effort is both needed for action and rest
People wrongly think that more action is required for motion than for rest.
This is because from a young age, our body is accustomed to be moved by our will.
- We notice our will.
Our body is at rest simply because it adheres to the earth through gravity.
- We do not notice gravity.
Gravity and many other unnoticed causes resist the motions we want to initiate in our limbs. This causes us to tire.
And so, we think that more force is needed to initiate motion than to stop it.
However, we can easily get rid of this prejudice if we think that we need effort to both:
- move external bodies
- stop their motion when they are not stopped by gravity or another cause.
For example, we use the same force to:
- push a ship at rest in still water
- stop it when it is moving
27. Motion and rest are merely two different modes of a moving body
The mover produces motion just as the stopper stops the motion. We are not talking about either’s action.
Rest is the lack of translation of external action onto the body.
Motion is the translation of external action onto the body.
We are talking about the internal translation which cannot exist outside the moving body.
The body has a different state:
- when it is being transferred
- when it is not being transferred or when it is at rest
In this way, motion and rest are but 2 different modes of the body.
28. Local motion only happens when the body is moved from the bodies contiguous to it
Motion occurs from the vicinity of contiguous bodies to the vicinity of others, not from one place to another. This is because the concept of place varies and depends on our thought.
A body can have only one motion at a time, instead of multiple, if we define motion as the transfer of a body that occurs from the vicinity of contiguous bodies, instead of as a change in location.
This is because at any given moment, only one body can be contiguous to the same moving body.
29. Local motion only happens when the bodies contiguous to the moving body are at rest.
This transfer occurs not just between any contiguous bodies, but only those that are perceived as being at rest.
Therefore, if we were to entirely assign a proper and not relative nature to motion,
Assume that 2 contiguous bodies are transferred and mutually separated:
- Body 1 transfers in one direction
- Body 2 transfers in the other direction
WE say that there is as much motion in Body 1 as in Body 2.
But this would be too far from common usage.
We are used to standing on the earth and consider it as at rest. We do not think that the earth itself is moving even though we see some of its parts transferred from the vicinity of smaller bodies to the vicinity of other bodies contiguous to them.
30. When 2 contiguous bodies are separated from each other, why is one is said to be moving instead of the other?
This is because motion is that of the body that is moving and not of the entire Earth that it is moving on.
The motion of the body affects the immediate vicinity of the smaller bodies that are contiguous. There are often many such translations, mutually opposed to each other.
- ship
on the Earth’s surface be transferred fromEast
- ship
be transferred fromWest

The motion of ship AB
means that the surface of the earth contiguous to it are transferred from B
towards A
with the same action that moves AB
. But it does not mean that the Earth is also rotating from B
to A
or from West to the East.
This is because ship CD
is moving East, and the Earth’s surface contiguous to it should be moving West which is contradictory.
Thus, here we do not say that the earth is moving, but only the ships AB
and CD
and similarly for the rest.