Superphysics Superphysics
Part 5e

How Images Go to the Brain

by Rene Descartes Icon
2 minutes  • 267 words

The images of objects that form in the eye also pass to the brain.

The rays that come from object V touch the point R, the end of one of the small nerve fibers that originate from the spot 7 on the inner surface of the brain 789;


Those from the object X touch the point S, the end of another nerve fiber, whose beginning is at point 8;

Those from the object Y touch another nerve fiber at point T, which corresponds to the spot on the brain marked 9, and so on for the others.

Light is nothing else but a movement or action that causes some movement.

The rays that come from V to R have the force to move the entire nerve fiber R7 and therefore the spot on the brain marked 7.

Those that come from X to S have the force to move the entire nerve fiber S8, and even to move it in a different way than R7. This is because the objects X and V are of two different colors. And so, those that come from Y move the point 9.

A painting 789 is formed once again, similar to the objects V, X, Y, on the inner surface of the brain that faces its concavities.

From there [visual cortex], they are sent to the pineal gland which is the seat of common sense.

It can sometimes pass from there through the arteries of a pregnant woman to a specific part of the child in her womb, and form these marks of envy that are admired by the Doctors.

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