Hunger and Thirst
2 minutes • 244 words
21. The body also has internal senses.
22. When the strong water in the stomach does not find sufficient food there to consume and exert its powers, the nerve filaments there become more vigorously agitated than usual.
This agitation moves the corresponding parts of the brain. From this, the soul conceives an idea of hunger.
Sometimes that liquid gets a temperament that it can exert its powers more on certain foods than on others.
This also acts on the nerves of the stomach to make the soul crave for those certain foods.
Pregnant women get a craving for certain foods when..
? Here it can be noted the wonderful conformation of this machine, that hunger arises from fasting. The blood becomes sharper by circulation. And so, the liquid coming from it to the stomach more vigorously agitates the nerves. ?
That liquid especially congregates at the bottom of the stomach, and there presses the sensation of hunger.
23. Many parts of that liquid ascend to the throat to moisten it and fill the pores in the manner of water
When there is less than needed, they go there in the manner of air or smoke.
This acts on the nerves to give the soul the idea of thirst.
When the blood is:
- purer and finer and effervesces more quickly, the nerves in the throat get excited with the sensation of pleasure.
- opposite of the above, it will produce the sensation of sadness.