Treatise on Man Simplified
Renatus Cartesius 31 March 1596 – 11 February 1650 was a French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist who invented analytic geometry
Preface by Florentius Schuyl
To The Reader →

Preface by Florentius Schuyl
To The Reader Part 2 →

Articles 1-4
The Machine of the Human Body →

Articles 5-7
The Pulse or Beat of the Arteries →

Articles 8-9
How the Blood Goes Through the Body →

Article 10
How the Blood is Converted into Animal Spirits →

Article 10b
How the Animal Spirits Move the Muscles →

Article 10c
How the Animal Spirits Move the Muscles →

Articles 11-13
How Does the Body Breathe and Swallow Food? →

Articles 11-13
How Do External Objects Affect the Sense-organs? →

Articles 14-15
Taste and Smell →

Articles 16-17
Hearing and Harmony →