Superphysics Superphysics

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Provisions on the granting by Greece of exemption from customs duties on the import of certain goods

Article 21

Article 3‑151 of the Constitution shall not prevent the Hellenic Republic from maintaining measures of exemption granted before 1 January 1979 pursuant to: (a) Law No 4171/61 (General measures to aid development of the country’s economy), (b) Decree Law No 2687/53 (Investment and protection of foreign capital), (c) Law No 289/76 (Incentives with a view to promoting the development of frontier regions and governing all pertinent questions), until the expiry of the agreements concluded by the Hellenic Government with those persons benefiting from these measures.


Provisions on taxation

Article 22

The acts listed in point II.2 of Annex VIII ( 1 ) to the Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Hellenic Republic shall apply in respect of the Hellenic Republic under the conditions laid down in that Annex, with the exception of the references to points 9 and 18(b) thereof.


Provisions on cotton

Article 23

  1. This Section concerns cotton, not carded or combed, falling within subheading 5201 00 of the Combined Nomenclature.
  2. A system shall be introduced in the Union particularly to: (a) support the production of cotton in regions of the Union where it is important for the agricultural economy, (b) permit the producers concerned to earn a fair income, (c) stabilise the market by structural improvements at the level of supply and marketing.
  3. The system referred to in paragraph 2 shall include the grant of an aid to production.
  4. In order to allow cotton producers to concentrate supply and to adapt production to market requirements, a system shall be introduced to encourage the formation of producer groups and federations of such groups.

This system shall provide for the grant of aids with a view to providing incentives for the formation and facilitating the functioning of producer groups. The only groups that may benefit from this system must: (a) be formed on the initiative of the producers themselves, (b) offer a sufficient guarantee for the duration and effectiveness of their action, (c) be recognised by the Member State concerned. 5. The Union trading system with third countries shall not be affected. In this respect, in particular, no measure restricting imports may be laid down. 6. A European law of the Council shall establish the adjustments necessary to the system introduced pursuant to this Section. The Council, on a proposal from the Commission, shall adopt the European regulations and decisions establishing the general rules necessary for implementing the provisions of this Section. The Council shall act after consulting the European Parliament.


Provisions on the economic and industrial development of Greece

Article 24 The Member States take note of the fact that the Hellenic Government has embarked upon the implementation of a policy of industrialisation and economic development designed to align the standards of living in Greece with those of the other Member States and to eliminate underemployment while progressively evening out regional differences in levels of development. They recognise it to be in their common interest that the objectives of this policy be so attained. To this end, the institutions shall implement all the means and procedures laid down by the Constitution, particularly by making adequate use of the Union resources intended for the realisation of its objectives. In particular, in the application of Articles III‑167 and III‑168 of the Constitution, it will be necessary to take into account the objectives of economic expansion and the raising of the standard of living of the population.


Provisions on the exchange of information with Greece in the field of nuclear energy Article 25

  1. From 1 January 1981, such information as has been communicated to Member States, persons and undertakings, in accordance with Article 13 of the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, shall be placed at the disposal of the Hellenic Republic, which shall give it limited distribution within its territory under the conditions laid down in that Article.
  2. From 1 January 1981, the Hellenic Republic shall place at the disposal of the European Atomic Energy Community information obtained in the nuclear field in Greece which is given limited distribution, insofar as strictly commercial applications are not involved. The Commission shall communicate this information to Community undertakings under the conditions laid down in Article 13 of the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community.

The information referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall mainly concern: (a) studies on the application of radioisotopes in the following fields: medicine, agriculture, entomology and environmental protection, (b) the application of nuclear technology to archeometry, (c) the development of electronic medical apparatus, (d) the development of methods of radioactive ore prospecting.

Article 26

  1. In those sectors in which the Hellenic Republic places information at the disposal of the European Atomic Energy Community, the competent authorities shall grant upon request licences on commercial terms to Member States, persons and undertakings of the Community where they possess exclusive rights to patents filed in Member States of the Community and insofar as they have no obligation or commitment in respect of third parties to grant or offer to grant an exclusive or partially exclusive licence to the rights in these patents.
  2. Where an exclusive or partially exclusive licence has been granted, the Hellenic Republic shall encourage and facilitate the granting of sublicences on commercial terms to Member States, persons and undertakings of the European Atomic Energy Community by the holders of such licences. Such exclusive or partially exclusive licences shall be granted on a normal commercial basis.

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