Superphysics Superphysics

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Article 10 Representatives of Member States taking part in the work of the institutions of the Union, their advisers and technical experts shall, in the performance of their duties and during their travel to and from the place of meeting, enjoy the customary privileges, immunities and facilities. This Article shall also apply to members of the advisory bodies of the Union. CHAPTER V OFFICIALS AND OTHER SERVANTS OF THE UNION Article 11 In the territory of each Member State and whatever their nationality, officials and other servants of the Union shall: (a) subject to the provisions of the Constitution relating, on the one hand, to the rules on the liability of officials and other servants towards the Union and, on the other hand, to the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union in disputes between the Union and its officials and other servants, be immune from legal proceedings in respect of acts performed by them in their official capacity, including their words spoken or written. They shall continue to enjoy this immunity after they have ceased to hold office; (b) together with their spouses and dependent members of their families, not be subject to immigration restrictions or to formalities for the registration of aliens; (c) in respect of currency or exchange regulations, be accorded the same facilities as are customarily accorded to officials of international organisations; (d) enjoy the right to import free of duty their furniture and effects at the time of first taking up their post in the State concerned, and the right to re‑export free of duty their furniture and effects, on termination of their duties in that State, subject in either case to the conditions considered to be necessary by the government of the State in which this right is exercised; (e) have the right to import free of duty a motor car for their personal use, acquired either in the State of their last residence or in the State of which they are nationals on the terms ruling in the home market in that State, and to re‑export it free of duty, subject in either case to the conditions considered to be necessary by the government of the State concerned.

Article 12

Officials and other servants of the Union shall be liable to a tax, for the benefit of the Union, on salaries, wages and emoluments paid to them by the Union, in accordance with the conditions and procedure laid down by a European law. That law shall be adopted after consultation of the institutions concerned. Officials and other servants of the Union shall be exempt from national taxes on salaries, wages and emoluments paid by the Union.

Article 13

In the application of income tax, wealth tax and death duties and in the application of conventions on the avoidance of double taxation concluded between Member States of the Union, officials and other servants of the Union who, solely by reason of the performance of their duties in the service of the Union, establish their residence in the territory of a Member State other than their State of domicile for tax purposes at the time of entering the service of the Union, shall be considered, both in the State of their actual residence and in the State of domicile for tax purposes, as having maintained their domicile in the latter State provided that it is a member of the Union. This provision shall also apply to a spouse, to the extent that the latter is not separately engaged in a gainful occupation, and to children dependent on and in the care of the persons referred to in this Article. Movable property belonging to persons referred to in the first paragraph and situated in the territory of the State where they are staying shall be exempt from death duties in that State. Such property shall, for the assessment of such duty, be considered as being in the State of domicile for tax purposes, subject to the rights of third States and to the possible application of provisions of international conventions on double taxation. Any domicile acquired solely by reason of the performance of duties in the service of other international organisations shall not be taken into consideration in applying the provisions of this Article.

Article 14

The scheme of social security benefits for officials and other servants of the Union shall be laid down by a European law. That law shall be adopted after consultation of the institutions concerned.

Article 15

The categories of officials and other servants of the Union to whom Article 11, the second paragraph of Article 12, and Article 13 shall apply, in whole or in part, shall be determined by a European law. That law shall be adopted after consultation of the institutions concerned. The names, grades and addresses of officials and other servants included in such categories shall be communicated periodically to the governments of the Member States.


Article 16 The Member State in whose territory the Union has its seat shall accord the customary diplomatic privileges and immunities to missions of third States accredited to the Union.

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