Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 5

Social Communication

4 minutes  • 742 words

Article 220. The manifestation of thought, the creation, the expression and the information, in any form, process or medium shall not be subject to any restriction, with due regard to the provisions of this Constitution.

Paragraph 1. No law shall contain any provision which may represent a hindrance to full freedom of press in any medium of social communication, with due regard to the provisions of article 5, IV, V, X, XIII and XIV.

Paragraph 2. Any and all censorship of a political, ideological and artistic nature is forbidden.

Paragraph 3. It is within the competence of federal laws to:

  1. regulate public entertainment and shows, it being incumbent upon the Government to inform on their nature, the age brackets they are not recommended for and places and times unsuitable for their exhibition;
  2. establish legal means which afford persons and families the possibility of defending themselves against radio and television programmes and schedules which go contrary to the provisions of article 221, as well as against publicity of products, practices and services which may be harmful to health or to the environment. Paragraph 4. Commercial advertising of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, pesticides, medicines and therapies shall be subject to legal restrictions, in accordance with item II of the preceding paragraph and shall contain, whenever necessary, a warning concerning the damages which may be caused by their use.

Paragraph 5. Social communication media may not, directly or indirectly, be subject to monopoly or oligopoly.

Paragraph 6. The publication of a printed social communication medium shall not depend on license from authorities.

Article 221. The production and programming of radio and television stations shall comply with the following principles:

  1. preference to educational, artistic, cultural and informative purposes
  2. promotion of national and regional culture and fostering of independent productions aimed at their diffusion;
  3. regional differentiation of cultural, artistic and press production, according to percentages established in law;
  4. respect for the ethical and social values of the person and the family.

Article 222. Newspaper companies, sound broadcasting companies, or sound and image broadcasting companies, shall be owned exclusively by native Brazilians or those naturalized for more than ten years, or by legal entities incorporated under Brazilian laws and headquartered in Brazil.

Paragraph 1. In all circumstances, at least seventy per cent of the total capital stock and of the voting capital of newspaper companies, sound broadcasting companies, or sound and image broadcasting companies, shall be owned directly or indirectly by native Brazilians or those naturalized for more than ten years, who shall mandatorily exercise the management of activities and shall define the content of programming.

Paragraph 2. Editorial responsibility and the activities regarding selection and management of the programming to be disseminated shall be carried out exclusively by native Brazilians or those naturalized for more than ten years, in any social communication medium.

Paragraph 3. Electronic social communication media, regardless of the technology used to deliver the service, shall comply with the principles stipulated in article 221, as provided by specific legislation, which shall also ensure priority to Brazilian professionals in the production of Brazilian programs.

Paragraph 4. Specific legislation shall regulate the participation of foreign capital in the companies mentioned in paragraph 1.

Paragraph 5. Any alterations in the corporate control of the companies mentioned in paragraph 1 must be communicated to the National Congress.

Article 223. The Executive Power has the authority to grant and renew concession, permission and authorization for radio broadcasting and sound and image broadcasting services with due regard to the principle of the complementary roles of private, public and state systems.

Paragraph 1. The National Congress shall consider such proposition in the period of time set forth in article 64, paragraphs 2 and 4, counted from the date of receipt of the message.

Paragraph 2. The non-renewal of the concession or permission shall depend on approval by at least two-fifths of the National Congress, in nominal voting.

Paragraph 3. The granting or renewal shall only produce legal effects after approval by the National Congress, as set forth in the preceding paragraphs.

Paragraph 4. Cancellation of a concession or permission prior to its expiring date shall depend on a court decision.

Paragraph 5. The term for a concession or permission shall be ten years for radio stations and fifteen years for television channels.

Article 224. For the purposes of the provisions of this chapter, the National Congress shall institute, as an auxiliary agency, the Social Communication Council, in the manner prescribed by law.

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