Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 4

Social Virtue--Superior and Inferior Man

by Confucius
4 minutes  • 828 words
Table of contents

The Social Good and the Superior Man


It is social good feeling that gives charm to a neighborhood. A person who lives in a home without it is unwise.

Those who are without a social good feeling cannot abide long, either in straitened or in happy circumstances.

Those who have it find contentment in it. Those who are wise go after it as men go after gain.


Only people with social good feeling can have right likings and dislikings for others. Where the will is set on it, there will be no room for malpractices.

Men desire riches and honor. But if they arrive at them by improper ways, they should not continue to hold them.

Men dislike poverty and low estate.

But if they arrive at such a condition by improper ways, they should not refuse it.

If the ‘superior man’ make nought of social good feeling, how shall he fully bear that name?

What makes a “superior man?”

Self-culture, with a view to becoming seriously-minded. Self-culture with a view to the greater satisfaction of others.

Self-culture with a view to the greater satisfaction of all the clans and classes. Self-culture for the sake of all, the type that would almost put Yau and Shun into the shade!


The superior man will not forget what he owes to his fellow-men even while he eats his meal.

Even in hurried leave-takings, even in moments of frantic confusion, he keeps true to this virtue.

I have not yet seen a lover of philanthropy, nor a hater of misanthropy�such, that the former did not take occasion to magnify that virtue in himself, and that the latter, in his positive practice of philanthropy, did not, at times, allow in his presence something savoring of misanthropy.


Is there anyone who can apply his mind to this virtue for a whole day? I have not seen anyone whose energy could do it.

Such persons might exist. But I have never met them.

The faults of individuals are peculiar to their particular class and surroundings. It is by observing their faults that one understands the condition of their good feelings towards their fellows.

One may hear the right way in the morning, and at evening die.

The scholar who is intent on learning the right way, and who is yet ashamed of poor attire and poor food, is not worthy of being discoursed with.

The Masterly Man


The masterly man’s attitude to the world is not exclusively this or that. Whatsoever is right, to that he will be a party.

  • The masterly man has an eye to virtue, and to the penalties for error
  • The common man has an eye to earthly things and to favor

Where there is habitual going after gain, there is much ill-will.


When there is ability in a ruler to govern a country by adhering to the Rules of Propriety, and by kindly condescension, what is wanted more?

Where the ability to govern thus is wanting, what has such a ruler to do with the Rules of Propriety?

One should not be greatly concerned at not being in office; but rather about the requirements in one’s self for such a standing. Neither should one be so much concerned at being unknown; but rather with seeking to become worthy of being known.

Tsang Sin, the principles which I inculcate have one main idea upon which they all hang.

Confucius then went out.

What did Confucius mean?
The principles of our Master’s teaching are whole-heartedness and kindly forbearance, these and nothing more.


Men of loftier mind manifest themselves in their equitable dealings.

Small-minded men manifest themselves in their going after gain.

When you meet with men of worth, think how you may attain to their level.

When you see others of an opposite character, look within, and examine yourself.


A son offers gentle remonstrances when ministering to his parents.

He should still continue to show them reverent respect even when their will is not to heed such. He should never be obstinate to his parents. If he has to suffer, let him do so without murmuring.

He should not wander far while the parents are still living. If he is a wanderer, he should at least have some fixed address.

A dutiful son stays with the principles of his father for 3 years.

A son should not ignore the years of his parents.


People in olden times did not like to speak out, fearing the disgrace of not being as good as their words.

On one hand, they might speak out to rejoice. On the other, the might not speak out because of apprehension.

Those who keep within restraints are seldom losers.

The superior man wants to be slow to speak, but prompt to act.

Virtue is never alone. It must have neighbors.

Officiousness, in the service of princes, leads to disgrace. Among friends, to estrangement."

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