Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 3

Four Things to Do

3 minutes  • 472 words

The Buddha continued:

There are 4 things through which Bodhisattvas can quickly attain this samādhi.

  1. Have faith that no one can destroy
  2. Make energetic progress that nothing can deter
  3. Have wisdom-knowledge with which no one else’s can compare
  4. Always work under a beneficent teacher

There are another four things which will enable one to attain this samādhi quickly.

  1. Do not engage in worldly thinking for 3 months, not even during a finger snap
  2. Do not sleep for 3 months, not even during a finger snap
  3. Do walking meditation for 3 months without any rest, except when eating and so forth
  4. Expound sūtras to others, not expecting their offerings.

There are another 4 things which will enable one to attain this samādhi quickly.

  1. Take people to the Buddha
  2. Gather people to have them hear the teachings
  3. Have no jealousy
  4. Have people learn the Buddha Way

There are another 4 things which will enable one to attain this samādhi quickly.

  1. Construct Buddhas’ images
  2. Copy this sūtra on fine fabric
  3. Teach the conceited ones to enter the Buddha Way
  4. Always protect and uphold the Buddha Dharma.

Then the Buddha spoke in verse:

Always believe and delight in the Buddha Dharma. Progress energetically to unfold profound wisdom. Disseminate and pronounce the Dharma to others. Guard against greed for offerings. Discard desires with good understanding. Always think of Buddhas, who have awesome virtue, And see and know dharmas in limitless diversity. Past Buddhas, future Buddhas, And present Buddhas, revered among men, With no more afflictions to discharge, Are golden in color and have superb physical marks. They give firm teachings with wisdom beyond the ultimate. Listen to this Dharma with an undistracted mind. Forever discard the way of negligence and indolence. Never bear malice toward others. Respect teachers as you do Buddhas. Take care not to have doubts about this sūtra, Which is praised by all Buddhas. Always construct and enshrine Buddhas’ images. Always persuade others to learn this Dharma And practice it to attain this samādhi.

The Buddha told Bhadrapāla:

“Those who want to learn this samādhi should respect their teachers, serve them, and make offerings to them, regarding them as Buddhas.

Those who see their teachers as less than Buddhas will have difficulty attaining this samādhi. Bodhisattvas who respect beneficent teachers from whom they have learned this samādhi can advance.

By virtue of Buddhas’ awesome spiritual power, when they face the east, they will see a billion koṭi Buddhas. In the same way, they will see Buddhas [in worlds] in the ten directions.

By analogy, one observes the night sky and sees myriads of stars. Bodhisattvas who wish to see present Buddhas all standing before them should respect beneficent teachers, not looking for their faults.

Never negligent or indolent, they should fully train in giving alms, observing precepts, enduring adversity, and making energetic progress single-mindedly.”

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