The 7 Mount Types
6 minutes • 1105 words
Table of contents
The science of Palmistry is founded on the shape of the hand.
The 7 mounts lie at the base of the fingers and along the sides of the hand. The proper estimation of the combination of these mounts can let us accurately delineate the character of person.
There are other separated elements which enter into and add to a proper understanding of the science:
- how the hand is naturally carried and held when walking
- texture of the skin
- consistency of the hand
- color of the hand, the nails, hair on the hands
- the hands divided into three sections called the three worlds
- the shape of the fingers and their individual phalanges
- the shape of the finger-tips, knotty fingers, smooth fingers, long fingers, short fingers, and the thumb.
A thorough knowledge of them all is absolutely necessary.
Chapters on the above-enumerated subjects comprise the first half of the science of Chirosophy, and collectively form the science of Chirognomy.
- Nowadays, this branch is limited to merely studying the subject’s character. But it has wider scope and can be made much more useful.
The universe began with a perfectly well-defined plan which includes the human species
The currently-accepted types of Chirognomy show many human qualities from the lines of the hand. But the previous limits of scientific hand-reading quickly led to practitioners guessing on that plan of creation.
No scientific study can depend on guesswork. This is why Palmistry has of its own weight fallen to the ground.
The plan of creation is exceedingly simple, easily understood, and can be verified in every person you meet. *
Superphysics Note
You do not have to take anything for granted, nor believe in anything you cannot see or touch or hold in your hand.
Consequently, in this very practical and realistic age, the most advanced materialist can embrace the new science of Palmistry without offending in any way his sense of propriety.
The plan of creation can be learned from the Mounts in the hand as shown in illustration “A.”
The Mounts’ names are astrological. They are just traditional.
I use these names because they are easy to remember, though any other names would do. They have no reference to the planets.
I have used the masculine pronoun with all the Mounts only for convenience and brevity.
The Seven Types of People

The ancient theory says that the human race was constructed by its Creator under a definite plan.
The numerous combinations in this plan of creation has, however, confused many who do not know the specific laws and rules. When these laws are understood, the whole plan reveals itself.
The 7 distinct types of people were first created, each with strong qualities, aptitudes, virtues, and faults, as well as peculiarities of health and character.
Superphysics Note
Having 7 types was absolutely necessary to the harmonious operation of the universe. If all humanity was of one type, progress would be stopped, and diversity of talent and thought, with its various methods of expression and operation, would not exist.
Removing the existence any one of these types would be like removing one wheel in a watch - the movement would stop.
Each type was thus created for a specific sphere in life. It represents some element indispensable to the harmonious operation of the world as a whole*.
Superphysics Note
These can be easily identified in everyone. 85% of these typical people are at their best in the same occupations.
All have the same faults, the same virtues, like the same kind of surroundings, live, think, and act after the same plan in everything they do. This proves that the original method in creating humanity has not been changed.
Knowing these 7 types helps us distinguish them from each other as we meet them. This will help us at once know:
- their characteristics
- what their type has done through ages past
- what the outcome of their life is likely to be, judged by those of the same type who have gone before
We can thus know the person’s:
- past – we know what ancestors of the same type have always done
- present – we know what the typical people always do
- the possible future – we know what the outcome generally is
The correct reading of the past, present, and possible future is based absolutely upon your recognition of the Mount type to which your client belongs, after which recognition you can apply to him what you know is common to the type which he represents.
For example, the Jupiterian is always ambitious and a leader of men. We apply this to=
- his health
- his food
- his home life
- his religion
- his business
- his natural proficiency for certain employments
- his vices
- his passions
- his manner of living
- his thoughts
- his liability to marry or remain single, the kind of person he always marries, and
- everything else about him.
This type has always the same ideas on all of these matters.
Every other type has its own peculiarities. Thus, if your client is a pure specimen, you know he has them all, as have his predecessors of the same type.
One type marries young, another marries people older than themselves, another avoids marriage entirely. If you have recognized the type to which your client belongs, you can tell him what he will be likely to do in these matters. Some types are long-lived, some die earlier, and, recognizing your type, you can handle this most delicate subject properly.
You should not approach the length of life unless you are absolutely proficient, careful, and tactful. These Mount type system will enable you to handle this most delicate question without harming your subject.