A Compendium on the Soul Simplified
A Compendium on the Soul by Abu-Aly al-Husayn Ibn Abdallah Ibn Sina
Avicena’s Offering To The Prince →

Section 1
Two Kinds of Motion: Inherent and Non-inherent →

Section 2
The General Definition of the Soul →

Section 3
The Faculties of the Soul have External Origins →

Section 4
The Plant Powers and the Need for Each of Them →

Section 5
The Animal Powers and the Need for Each of Them →

Section 6
The Five Senses and How They Perceive →

Section 7
The Inward Senses and the Motion-Promoting Powers →

Section 8
A Sketch of the Human Soul from the Starting-Point →

Section 9
The Proofs of the Essentiality of the Soul, and of Its Independence of Body →

Section 10
The Immaterial Mental Essence →