Superphysics Superphysics
Part 3c

More Assignments By Enki

8 minutes  • 1552 words

299-308. He filled the E-kur, the house of Enlil, with goods of all sorts.

Enlil was delighted with Enki, and Nibru was glad.

Enki placed in charge of all this, Nanše the mistress of Sirara.

over the wide extent of the sea, her who sets sail …… in the holy shrine, who induces sexual intercourse ……, who …… over the enormous high flood of the subterranean waters, the terrifying waves, the inundation of the sea ……, who comes forth from the ……, , …… – .

309-317. He called to the rain of the heavens.

He …… as floating clouds. He made …… rising at the horizon. He turned the mounds into fields …….

Enki placed in charge of all this him who rides on the great storms, who attacks with lightning bolts, the holy bar which blocks the entrance to the interior of heaven, the son of An, the canal inspector of heaven and earth – Iškur, the bringer of plenty, the son of An.

318-325. He organised ploughs, yokes and teams.

The great prince Enki bestowed the horned oxen that follow the …… tools, he opened up the holy furrows, and made the barley grow on the cultivated fields.

Enki placed in charge of them the lord who wears the diadem, the ornament of the high plain, him of the implements, the farmer of Enlil – Enkimdu, responsible for ditches and dykes.

326-334. The lord called the cultivated fields, and bestowed on them mottled barley.

Enki made chickpeas, lentils and …… grow. He heaped up into piles the early, mottled and innuḫa varieties of barley.

Enki multiplied the stockpiles and stacks, and with Enlil’s help he enhanced the people’s prosperity.

Enki placed in charge of all this her whose head and body are dappled, whose face is covered in syrup, the mistress who causes sexual intercourse, the power of the Land, the life of the black-headed – Ezina, the good bread of the whole world.

335-340. The great prince fixed a string to the hoe, and organised brick moulds.

He penetrated the …… like precious oil. Enki placed in charge of them him whose sharp-bladed hoe is a corpse-devouring snake that ……, whose brick mould in place is a tidy stack of hulled grain for the ewes – Kulla, who …… bricks in the Land.

341-348. He tied down the strings and coordinated them with the foundations, and with the power of the assembly he planned a house and performed the purification rituals. The great prince put down the foundations, and laid the bricks.

Enki placed in charge of all this him whose foundations once laid do not sag, whose good houses once built do not collapse (?), whose vaults reach up into the heart of the heavens like a rainbow – Mušdama, Enlil’s master builder.

349-357. He raised a holy crown over the upland plain. He fastened a lapis-lazuli beard to the high plain, and made it wear a lapis-lazuli headdress.

He made this good place perfect with greenery in abundance. He multiplied the animals of the high plain to an appropriate degree, he multiplied the ibex and wild goats of the pastures, and made them copulate.

Enki placed in charge of them the hero who is the crown of the high plain, who is the king of the countryside, the great lion of the high plain, the muscular, the hefty, the burly strength of Enlil – Šakkan, the king of the hills.

358-367. He built the sheepfolds, carried out their cleaning, made the cow-pens, bestowed on them the best fat and cream, and brought luxury to the gods’ dining places. He made the plain, created for greenery, achieve prosperity.

Enki placed in charge of all this the king, the good provider of E-ana, the friend of An, the beloved son-in-law of the youth Suen, the holy spouse of Inana the mistress, the lady of the great powers who allows sexual intercourse in the open squares of Kulaba – Dumuzid-ušumgal-ana, the friend of An.

368-380. He filled the E-kur, the house of Enlil, with possessions. Enlil was delighted with Enki and Nibru was glad. He demarcated borders and fixed boundaries.

For the Anuna gods, Enki situated dwellings in cities and disposed agricultural land into fields.

Enki placed in charge of the whole of heaven and earth the hero, the bull who comes out of the ḫašur forest bellowing truculently, the youth Utu, the bull standing triumphantly, audaciously, majestically, the father of the Great City (an expression for the underworld) , the great herald in the east of holy An, the judge who searches out verdicts for the gods, with a lapis-lazuli beard, rising from the horizon into the holy heavens – Utu, the son born by Ningal.

381-386. He picked out the tow from the fibres, and set up the loom. Enki greatly perfected the task of women. For Enki, the people …… in …… garments.

Enki placed in charge of them the honour of the palace, the dignity of the king – Uttu, the conscientious woman, the silent one.

387-390. Then, alone lacking any functions, the great woman of heaven, Inana, lacking any functions – Inana came in to see her father Enki in his house, weeping to him, and making her complaint to him:

391-394. “Enlil left it in your hands to confirm the functions of the Anunaki, the great gods.

Why did you treat me, the woman, in an exceptional manner? I am holy Inana – where are my functions?”

395-402. “Aruru, Enlil’s sister, Nintur, the lady of giving birth, is to get the holy birth-bricks as her prerogative.

She is to carry off the lancet for umbilical cords, the special sand and leeks. She is to get the sila-ĝara bowl of translucent lapis lazuli (in which to place the afterbirth) . She is to carry off the holy consecrated ala vessel.

She is to be the midwife of the land! The birthing of kings and lords is to be in her hands.”

403-405. “My illustrious sister, holy Ninisina, is to get the jewellery of šuba stones.

She is to be the mistress of heaven. She is to stand beside An and speak to him whenever she desires.”

406-411. “My illustrious sister, holy Ninmug, is to get the golden chisel and the silver burin.

She is to carry off her big flint antasura blade. She is to be the metal-worker of the Land.*

Superphysics Note
This is to atomize the gold

The fitting of the good diadem when a king is born and the crowning with the crown when a lord is born are to be in her hands.”

412-417. “My illustrious sister, holy Nisaba, is to get the measuring-reed.

The lapis-lazuli measuring tape is to hang over her arm. She is to proclaim all the great powers.

She is to demarcate boundaries and mark borders. She is to be the scribe of the Land. The planning of the gods’ meals is to be in her hands.”

418-421. “Nanše, the august lady, who rests her feet on the holy pelican, is to be the fisheries inspector of the sea.

She is to be responsible for accepting delectable fish and delicious birds from there to go to Nibru for her father Enlil.”

422-423. “But why did you treat me, the woman, in an exceptional manner?

I am holy Inana – where are my functions?”

424-436. Enki answered his daughter, holy Inana : “How have I disparaged you?

How can I enhance you? I made you speak as a woman with pleasant voice.

I made you go forth ……. I covered …… with a garment. I made you exchange its right side and its left side.

I clothed you in garments of women’s power.

I put women’s speech in your mouth. I placed in your hands the spindle and the hairpin. I …… to you women’s adornment. I settled on you the staff and the crook, with the shepherd’s stick beside them.”

437-444. “Maiden Inana, amongst the ominous ocurrences in the hurly-burly of battle, I shall make you speak vivifying words.

In its midst, although you are not an arabu bird”(a bird of ill omen) , I shall make you speak ill-omened words also. I made you tangle straight threads.

Maiden Inana, I made you straighten out tangled threads.

I made you put on garments, I made you dress in linen. I made you pick out the tow from the fibres, I made you spin with the spindle. I made you colour tufted (?) cloth with coloured threads.

445-450. “Inana, you heap up human heads like piles of dust, you sow heads like seed.

Inana, you destroy what should not be destroyed. You create what should not be created.

You remove the cover from the šem drum of lamentations, Maiden Inana, while shutting up the tigi and adab instruments in their homes.

You never grow weary with admirers looking at you. Maiden Inana, you know nothing of tying the ropes on deep wells.”

451-471. “But now, the heart has overflowed, the Land is restored; Enlil’s heart has overflowed, the Land is restored. In his overflowing heart of mankind.

4 lines unclear

“…… lapis-lazuli headdress …… is your prerogative, …… is your prerogative, …… is your prerogative, …… is your prerogative.”

10 lines unclear

  1. Praise be to Father Enki.

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