Superphysics Superphysics
Part 2

Enki Assigns Positions

5 minutes  • 1000 words

182-187. Sirsir ……, the boatman of the barge, …… the boat for the lord. Niĝir-sig, the captain of the barge, holds the holy sceptre for the lord.

The fifty laḫama deities of the subterranean waters speak affectionately to him. The stroke-callers, like heavenly gamgam birds, …….

188-191. The intrepid king, Father Enki …… in the Land. Prosperity was made to burgeon in heaven and on earth for the great prince who travels in the Land. Enki decreed its fate:

192-209. “Sumer, great mountain, land of heaven and earth, trailing glory, bestowing powers on the people from sunrise to sunset: your powers are superior powers, untouchable, and your heart is complex and inscrutable.

Like heaven itself, your just matrix, in which gods too can be born, is beyond reach.

Giving birth to kings who put on the good diadem, giving birth to lords who wear the crown on their heads – your lord, the honoured lord, sits with An the king on An’s dais.

Your king, the Great Mountain, Father Enlil, the father of all the lands, has blocked you impenetrably (?) like a cedar tree. The Anuna, the great gods, have taken up dwellings in your midst, and consume their food in your giguna shrines among the unique and exceptional trees.

Household Sumer, may your:

  • sheepfolds be built
  • cattle multiply
  • giguna touch the skies
  • good temples reach up to heaven.

May the Anuna determine the destinies in your midst.”

210-211. Then he proceeded to the sanctuary of Urim. Enki, lord of the Abzu, decreed its fate:

212-218. “City which possesses all that is fitting, bathed by water!

Sturdy bull, altar of abundance that strides across the mountains, rising like the hills, forest of ḫašur cypresses with broad shade, self-confident!

May your perfect powers be well-directed.

The Great Mountain Enlil has pronounced your name great in heaven and on earth.

City whose fate Enki has decreed, sanctuary of Urim, you shall rise high to heaven!”

219-220. Then he proceeded to the land of Meluḫa. Enki, lord of the Abzu, decreed its fate:

221-237. “Black land, may your trees be great trees, may your forests be forests of highland meš trees!

Chairs made from them will grace royal palaces! May your reeds be great reeds, may they ……!

Heroes shall …… them on the battlefield as weapons!

May your bulls be great bulls, may they be bulls of the mountains! May their bellowing be the bellowing of wild bulls of the mountains!

The great powers of the gods shall be made perfect for you! May the francolins of the mountains wear cornelian beards!

May your birds all be peacocks! May their cries grace royal palaces!

May all your silver be gold! May all your copper be tin-bronze! Land, may all you possess be plentiful!

May your people ……! May your men go forth like bulls against their fellow men!”

2 lines unclear

238-247. He cleansed and purified the land of Dilmun.

He placed Ninsikila in charge of it.

He gave …… for the fish spawn, ate its …… fish, bestowed palms on the cultivated land, ate its dates.

…… Elam and Marḫaši ……. …… to devour …….

The king endowed with strength by Enlil destroyed their houses, demolished (?) their walls.

He brought their silver and lapis-lazuli, their treasure, to Enlil, king of all the lands, in Nibiru.

248-249. Enki presented animals to those who have no city, who have no houses, to the Martu nomads.

250-266. After he had turned his gaze from there, after Father Enki had lifted his eyes across the Euphrates, he stood up full of lust like a rampant bull, lifted his penis, ejaculated and filled the Tigris with flowing water.

He was like a wild cow mooing for its young in the wild grass, its scorpion-infested cow-pen.

The Tigris …… at his side like a rampant bull. By lifting his penis, he brought a bridal gift.

The Tigris rejoiced in its heart like a great wild bull, when it was born ……. It brought flowing water. **Its wine will be sweet. **

It brought barley, mottled barley. The people will eat it.

It filled the E-kur, the house of Enlil, with all sorts of things.

Enlil was delighted with Enki, and Nibiru was glad.

The lord put on the diadem as a sign of lordship, he put on the good crown as a sign of kingship, touching the ground on his left side.

Plenty came forth out of the earth for him.

267-273. Enki, the lord of the destinies, the king of the Abzu, placed Enbilulu, the inspector of waterways, in charge of all this. He holds a sceptre in his right hand. He has a glorious mouth which submits to verification the devouring force of the Tigris and Euphrates, while prosperity pours forth from the palace like oil.

274-277. He called the marshes and gave them the various species of carp. He spoke to the reedbeds and bestowed on them the old and new growths of reeds.

2 lines missing

278-284. He issued a challenge …….

Enki placed in charge of all this him from whose net no fish escapes, him from whose trap no living thing escapes, him from whose bird-net no bird escapes,

1 line unclear

– ……, who loves fish.

285-298. The lord established a shrine, a holy shrine, whose interior is elaborately constructed.

He established a shrine in the sea, a holy shrine, whose interior is elaborately constructed.

The shrine, whose interior is a tangled thread, is beyond understanding.

The shrine’s emplacement is situated by the constellation the Field, the holy upper shrine’s emplacement faces towards the Chariot constellation.

Its terrifying sea is a rising wave, its splendour is fearsome.

The Anunaki gods dare not approach it.

…… to refresh their hearts, the palace rejoices.

The Anunaki stand by with prayers and supplications.

They set up a great altar for Enki in the E-engura, for the lord ……. The great prince ……. …… the pelican of the sea.

1 line unclear

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