Superphysics Superphysics

About Superphysics

6 minutes  • 1098 words
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It Began with the Financial Crisis

Superphysics was founded by Juan from his personal research on the 2008 Financial Crisis.

That crisis happened because Allan Greenspan did not do his job to regulate the banking industry, citing Adam Smith who advocated non-regulation.

So Adam Smith is such an evil guy for causing so much trouble, right?

By reading Adam Smith’s works, we saw that he actually advocated the strict regulation of banking, comparing it to the building of firewalls in order to prevent the spread of fire . Greenspan was really citing Samuelson and neoliberal writers who preferred selfish-interest over social interest.

After concluding that Greenspan and Samuelson were the bad guys, Smith logically became the good guy to us.

  • Smith explained the concept of dharma as the invisible hand , and cited David Hume heavily in his works. Shallow people interpret his “self-interest” as selfishness, whereas we interpret it as personal passion or svadharma in line with Socrates, Hinduism, and Taoism
  • Hume agreed with Descartes, and cited Plato
  • Descartes’ aether is from Plato
  • Plato wrote about Socrates
  • Socrates spoke about reincarnation and chakras and dharma versus adharma (δίκαιος and άδικος) as the invisible hand

Socrates thus became the essential link between Western and Eastern philosophy, which we merged into Superphysics as a dialectical system to solve all problems, just as you use:

  • the scientific method to solve science problems, and
  • math formulas to solve math problems.

Unifying Human Knowledge

Superphysics is thus Science unified with Philosophy, or Physics unified with Metaphysics.

Its base or core is Asian philosophy since the Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists already explained how the Supreme Entity works as the cause of everything.

Its external implementation is Western science since the West already knows how physical things work as the effects. This mastery of cause and effect, East and West, makes it a tool for solving anything.

It is divided into five:

Material Superphysics (click to expand)

Material Superphysics implements the principles of Superphysics in order to overhaul Newtonian Physics and put it under the Physics or Descartes and Spinoza. This introduces the aethereal monad as the smallest particle in existence.

What Details
Basic Goal Put Newtonian Physics under Cartesian Physics and conclusively solve remaining mysteries in Physics
Target Output Levitation, teleportation, antimatter/fusion, precision fabrication technologies
Bio Superphysics (click to expand)

Bio Superphysics implements Material Superphysics onto living things in order to solve diseases and improve health for humans, animals, and plants.

What Details
Basic Goal Put Alternative Medicine on a level with Western Medicine
Target Output Automated Natural Intelligence (ANI) for predicting health issues, Using sound for agriculture, Testing agriculture in seawater
Supersociology (click to expand)

Supersociology implements the principles of Superphysics to solve chronic problems in politics and society.

What Details
Basic Goal Replace current Sociology with Socrates and Ibn Khaldun
Target Output Confirmation Elections, Constitutional Virtues, World Constitution, National Constitution Template for a unified political system, Automated Natural Intelligence (ANI) for predicting social cycles
Supereconomics (click to expand)

Supereconomics implements the principles of Superphysics to solve chronic problems in the economy, business, and labor.

What Details
Basic Goal Replace Neoclassical Economics with Socrates-Smith Economics
Target Output Moneyless Economy, Pool Clearing (free trade system), Replace GDP with NDP, Automated Natural Intelligence (ANI) for coordinating an economy in real-time
Spiritual Superphysics (click to expand)

Spiritual Superphysics implements the principles of Superphysics to systematize philosophy, religion, and spirituality

What Details
Goal Help everyone find their spiritual path or their true goal in life (dharma)
Target Output Classify major belief systems under Omnitheism and suggest them to people based on their personality type
The 5 Elements
Fundamental to Superphysics is the Classical 5 Elements which we rename as aethereal, spatial, radiant, convertible, and material. It is based on the mysterious, invisible-but-everywhere Aether (the spooky Actor from a distance). It avoids being stuck with oh-so-obvious-but-limited Matter

Materialists would say that all of this is pseudo-science. We would rather say it’s Superphysics or Socratic Dialectics .

The Crisis Years as a Huge Opportunity

Smith’s Digression on Silver talks about a 500-year pattern of prices which we extended to modern times. We found that all great crises in the 20th century followed the extended pattern.

It pointed to a series of crises from 2019 to 2030, which we call The Great Stagflation, where prices will go haywire. Our goal is to implement Smith’s alternative economic system during those crisis years to take advantage of the flaws of systems based on matter and money.

Updates (click to expand)
Date Event
April 2021 The crisis years came via Covid. It turned out that the medical system was the first one to break down. This led us to create Pantry Health as an implementation of Bio Superphysics as a solution. Our model predicts that the financial system will be the next one to crash at year X, which led us to create the Points Banking . Economic and international law systems will be stressed much later.
July 2022 The invasion by Russia on Ukraine proves the failure of international law, while the failure of Sri Lanka, and soon Pakistan, proves the failure of economic systems.
October 2023 The Israel-Hamas war also proves the failure of international law much more obviously i.e. the powerful really can act arbitrarily.

We are looking for:

  • universities that would be interested in our theories,
  • publishers interested in our books, and
  • companies and angels that would like to support a points-based economic system that will preserve their own businesses and capital during such a prolonged crisis.
Team (click to expand)
Who Core Team
Juan Founder of Superphysics and Pantrypoints. Started it in 2012 as an alternative economic science which ballooned into Superphysics. He has a “Line of Intuition ” and “Solomon Ring” – 2 components essential for this kind of work. He got samadhi in 2008.
Lam Joined Juan in 2017 to build Pantrypoints. Like Juan, she has a “Line of Intuition” and “Solomon Ring”. She is still trying to get samadhi.
Who Rest of the Team
Jose An alternative medicine practitioner since the 2000s, focusing on homeopathy and naturopathy, though he has tried doing Chinese medicine. He has gotten samadhi a few times in India.
Jing Vice-President of an agriculture association. He is a Catholic and does not care about samadhi. However, he is very keen on using Bio Superphysics for agriculture
Ehmil Geologist. He is an Evangelical and also doesn’t care about samadhi. But he is interested in Cartesian Physics for geological applications such as earthquake detection.
Adrian Mobile and Python developer. He has helped debug the Pantrypoints mobile apps.

Feel free to contact us via email at [email protected]

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