Superphysics Superphysics

Breaking Change: Supermath and Qualimath

December 16, 2024 2 minutes  • 222 words

When we created Qualimath in December 2020 during the pandemic, we only had Kepler and Pythagoras as basis.

We got into the works of Descartes around 2022 and were able to extract Cartesian Relationality by 2024 as a complete replacement for Einstein’s Relativity and more practically for relativistic of relational pricing from our moneyless system.*


We don’t have the expernsive equipment to test Cartesian Relationality to produce sustained anti-gravity (as movement without electromagnetic energy) and so we just use it for economic ‘anti-gravity’ (as gaining resources without money)

You could say that Supermath is the base. This can be used within a planet or star system where the physical constants are constant.

Qualimath is a subset of Supermath and is for operations in other star systems, galaxies, or universes. This is where the physical constants change and so the origin star system is the relational source of truth.*


As app developers, this is a common problem we face pulling data from various sources, causing a mismatch

Supermath is mainly for homogenous waves and relations.

Qualimath is for heterogenous waves.

Hence, tanmátras [quantum-perceptions] are the waves produced by the objects as a result of reflection of the subtler bhúta [element or factor] on the cruder ones. Quantum-perceptions in the mathematical sense are heterogeneous, not homogeneous
Idea and Ideology, Chapter 3

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