Superphysics Superphysics

The Start of A New Economic Science

by Juan
January 1, 2014 2 minutes  • 286 words

I started writing papers after failing to get research scholarship to Japan and Australia.

Update October 2015: I finally made the paper which predicted a stagflation by 2020. However, as expected, it was not accepted. And so, learning web development to publish it online was a great decision

I started applying for scholarships after getting low-level samadhi in 2007 where I realized how the universe was structured from a subject-object perspective.

I got that samadhi after 3 years’ strict discipline in the Hindu-Buddhist system after dropping Catholicism like a hot potato in 2004 – the best thing I ever did!

If I had never freed my mind from Western dogma, I would never have had samadhi.

Getting out of Catholicism was the best decision ever. I regret not leaving it earlier. In fact, this whole new science would have been easier had I switched beliefs earlier.

Being anti-Catholic is not being anti-Jesus. It just means being anti-Roman-Empire.

This is because Jesus had a lot of teachings that never made its way into the Roman Bible. Those teachings were either lost, or are in the Gnostic Gospels.

So a true lover of Jesus should be embracing all gospels, especially the Gnostic ones. These give a more complete picture of the real Jesus Christ. Those Gnostic gospels have a lot of metaphysics such as the influence of the stars on the mind.

The Romans were deficient in metaphysics and so they just took the teachings that they could understand. These make up the 4 Canonical Gospels which are also the shallowest.

The Gospel of Judas should be one of the more important Gospels because it had a lot of metaphysics, while narrating the drama of Jesus in Jerusalem.

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