Superphysics Superphysics

Combustion and Spacetime Particles: The End of Nuclear War

by Juan Icon
October 7, 2024 2 minutes  • 408 words

In Pricipia Philosophia, Rene Descartes explains how fire is created from wood using the 3-Element Model.

This Model uses 3 + 1 Factors: 0. Pure Aether, now called Consciousness or Life

  1. Fire-aether, now called Electromagnetism
  2. Air-aether, now called Spacetime
  3. Earth-aether, now called Matter

In Cartesian Physics, all of matter is made up of these 3 + 1 Factors. We develop this idea in Superphysics to explain how everything is conscious. Most matter, however, lack the ability to express that consciousness, and so are called ’non-living things’, as opposed to living things which are capable of expression.

As we are talking about non-living things like fire, we will discard the pure aether factor.

According to Descartes, fire is ignited from matter whenever the spacetime particles (air-aether) are ejected from matter instantly in large amounts. This forces the mixture to be earth-aether and fire-aether only. Fire begins when the ratio of the latter becomes superior to the other.

Flamabale and fissile materials therefore naturally have a high ratio of fire-aether relative to earth-aether.

He then cites examples:

  • Striking a flint or volcanic rock creates sparks because it already has little spacetime particles on their surfaces.
  • Striking wood does not create fire because wood still has a lot of spacetime. Rubbing woods aggresively eliminates the spacetime quickly, increasing the ratio of fire-aether over earth-aether. This creates heat.

This is seen in “fire piston” experiments wherein a piece of cotton in a glass tube is ignited by compressing the cotton rapidly. Physicists claim that the ignition is caused by the air being compressed, which then generates heat.

This error of this is exposed in slow motion videos of the fire piston which clearly shows the fire starting more commonly at the bottom of the cotton, where the compression of the cotton is the most.

Space has the inverse ratio to time. This is why the speed of the compression has to be unified and as instantaneous as possible.

In everyday life, this principle is used in diesel engines wherein a piston compresses the diesel vapors to create explosions.

Since the ejection of spacetime particles in flamable materials is the mechanism for heat and explosions, then it follows that the addition of spacetime will retard or extinguish fire.

This is proven in sonic fire extinguishers which use a low frequency 30-60 Hertz to put out flames. This is because sound is a property of the pure aether, which is superior to spacetime (air-aether).

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