Descartes' Quantum Tunneling and Nuclear Fusion

2 minutes • 381 words
In the 1630’s, Descartes wrote about cosmology based on the aether-first paradigm which is opposite of Newton’s matter-first paradigm.
What we call spacetime, he called the Air Aether.
What we call electromagnetism, he called the Fire Aether.
What we call matter or strong force, he called the Earth Aether.
In Chapters 8-9 of The World, he explained quantum tunelling as the mechanism of how stars, as pure Fire Aether, form and emit light.
According to him, the aethereal particles of spacetime (Air Aether) form circular paths which are then filled by electromagnetism (Fire Aether). These create energetic vortices that gather energy and emit light.
He uses an analogy of 2 rivers that meet at a point then diverge. Heavy particles merge and fuse in the central vortex created by a natural configuration of spacetime (Air Aether). The lighter particles go out of the vortex, eventually manifesting as light.
To keep the energy going, some energetic Fire Aether tunnel to other paths, bypassing the Air Aether (Coulomb Barrier).
From this, we clearly see that the true mechanism or driver of fusion is the arrangement of spacetime (Air Aether) at a specific point, and not the matter or strong force (Earth Aether) that is its effect, nor the electromagnetism (Fire Aether) that facilitates that accumulation of energy.
In other words, a star’s particles owes its energy, size, color, longevity, etc to the spacetime vortex or matrix that allows it to gather and gain energy from other particles in first place.
This is why the key to both natural and artificial fusion is the proper manipulation of spacetime as to create a vortex or matrix for electromagnetism.
Modern Physics does not know how to do this and so nuclear fusion is still not realized. Physicists shallowly think that fusion will work if simply more electromagnetic energy is added. This is a product of materialist thinking and has failed to realize fusion on Earth.
The Cartesian spacetime vortices not only explain how stars shine, but also explain the creation of the universe, as an aethereal Big Bang that matches the findings of the Jame Webb Space Telescope.