Cheaper Way to Produce Antimatter

5 minutes • 1029 words
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The increase in global population requires a proportional increase in power generation.
Currently, most of this is achieved through fossil fuels which dump greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This then leads to global warming, manifesting as natural disasters such as typhoons, floods, and heat waves. In fact, July 22, 2024 was the hottest day on record.
The current trend is unsustainable if the human species is to survive. For now, governments have been pushing for power sources that emit less greenhouse gases such as solar, wind, nuclear, and hydro power. But these have been proven to be inefficient, unreliable, expensive, or produce other kinds of waste.
Power Source | Problem |
Wind | Not reliable, Select Locations only |
Hydro | Not reliable, Select Locations only |
Solar | Toxic Waste, Large Area Needed |
Nuclear Fission | Nuclear Waste, Limited Uranium Supplies |
Two new mechanisms can replace fossil fuels as a reliable energy source:
Nuclear Fusion
Antimatter Reactors
While nuclear fusion is the future of large-scale power generation, such as those for cities, antimatter reactions are the future of small-scale power generation for large buildings to large vehicles, such as cargo ships and large airplanes.
The biggest fission-fusion H-bomb, the Tsar Bomba, yielded 50 megatons of TNT using 8 tons of uranium (a finite resource), whereas an antimatter bomb can create the same with just over 1 ton of antihydrogen.
In energy terms, 1 ton of antihydrogen is a much lighter and renewable battery than 8 tons of uranium.
The Problem with Physics
The problem is that physicists don’t really know how antimatter is created. They just go with Einstein’s E=mc^2 and smash mass to get a zoo of particles, some of which are antimatter.
This leads to the current brute force approach:
- Protons are gathered into an electromagnetic beam
- The energy of the beam is increased through acceleration in cyclotrons from MeV to GeV
- The beam is then smashed into a block which is thought to receive “gluons” from the proton beam
- Those gluons then magically convert to quarks and antiquarks which then interact with the other quarks to produce subatomic particles, some of which are antimatter
- The antimatter is stored in electromagnetic decelerators
This whole approach is so inefficient and is why it will take 600,000,000 years to make 1 gram of antimatter.
The Aetherspace Particle Solution
Cartesian-Spinoza Physics fixes this by pointing out the true binding mechanism of quarks is not the gluon, but the surrounding aetherspace particles.
Unlike normal spacetime which allows linear movement, the aetherspace allows probabilistic movement. This is why electrons do not orbit the proton, but rather jump around it in a cloud. A gluon field is an example of this cloud that is made up of round aetherspace particles.
These particles surround the quarks, making them form a triangle which Physics calls gluon flux tubes. This triangle prevents internal movement and this is what makes solid bodies solid.
When protons are smashed, these particles cross over and break all triangles.
- An aetherspace particle breaks up into 4 free-aethers. One binds with a quark (1 aether), causing it to upgrade into a Z boson (2 aethers). This leaves 3 free aethers available.
- The Z boson binds with 1 free aether, causing to upgrade into an electron (3 aethers). This leaves 2 free aethers. The “search” for that free aether is why the decay of the Z boson is not instantaneous.
- The electron binds with 1 free aether to become a new aetherspace particle (4 aethers). This leaves 1 free aether.
- The remaining free aether becomes a positron (anti-electron) in order to conserve the aethers.
What Physics calls “particle decay” is really the successive upgrade of matter particles into space particles. This shows as quarks turning into other subatomic particles which then quickly disappear into space.
It follows that antimatter, as manifestations of the free aether, is Nature’s mechanism to conserve both the aether and energy as particles convert from one Standard Model particle to another.
This free aether is what Supersymmetry Theory was looking for in the large hadron collider but could never find since the aether cannot be detected by instruments.
Energy from Nature is used to produce antimatter which it then gives back to Nature when it comes in contact with matter.
A Non Brute Force Approach to Producing Antimatter
Since the mechanism for antimatter and the strong force is the aetherspace particle, then the focus should be on how to inject such particles into protons. It would be like using a sniper to get rid of a single terrorist instead of using a huge bomb to destroy his whole house, hoping that he is inside.
Since the aetherspace is closer to the aether than to matter, then the physics of the aether should be understood.
In the sniper analogy, the bullet is the free aether, the terrorist is the quark. So the key questions are:
- How to create a bullet
- How to make it go to the target
Connects to Simulation Theory
Decartes and Spinoza define the aether as the substance of God that crosses over into physical reality.
But since modern people (after the separation of Church and State) seem to be allergic to God, we will instead define it as the substance of the abstract mind, feelings, and ideas. In this way, the universe is a virtual reality similar to a video game with in-game Physics that are coded according to certain ideas and feelings.
This is Simulation Theory which is championed by founder of tech startups, most notably Elon Musk. This Simulation Theory is closely related to machine learning and artificial intelligence as the intelligence behind this simulation.
It follows that the creation of this aether bullet, and for most things that deal with the aether, requires machine learning. Future posts can explain the rest of the process.
The key takeaway is that both antimatter and Simulation Theory, and everything in between, have the aether as their central mechanism since it is the substance of reality, as explained by Descartes and Spinoza.
The acceptance of this concept will allow more advanced realities and solutions to appear. The disbelief, on the contrary, will keep reality unchanged within the current status quo and its many problems.