Quantum of Matter: Quarks
2 minutes • 379 words
Physics believes that quarks zip inside a nucleon and held in place by gluons which exert a strong force on them.
Through colliders in the 1960s, physicists discovered nucleon decay and the resulting jets of mesons.
To make sense of the many mesons created, Gell-Man came up with the idea of quarks as their fundamental particle.
The problem was that quarks exist in threes in a nucleon but there are only 2 kinds of spin. So Greenberg invented 3 color charges, one for each quark.
“Gluons” then transfer this color charge between quarks to account for the differences in the resulting jets.
But in Cartesian Physics, all this is merely Democritus’ nonsense because there is no such thing as gluons.
Instead, nucleons are created when quantum spacetime particles, which we call the aetherspace, compress a fellow aetherspace particle. This leads to 3 quarks and a static aether particle.
The 3 aetherspace particles account for the 3 color charges, creating a relational (relativistic) link between the quarks. This means that quarks do not have “color”.
The transfer of the “charges” happen in the aetherspace particle that binds the quarks. This leads to the meson octet which is probabilistic because the aetherspace is inherently probabilistic (as opposed to spacetime which is kinetic and sequential).
This is also why the “strong force” has a very short range – because the aetherspace is for extremely short distances, just as spacetime is for the entire distance of the whole universe.
To account for and anti-quarks come in pairs because of “color confinement” from a “color charge” in a system called “Quantum Chromo Dynamics” (QCD).
These “color charges” then interact with each other to create mesons in an octet mixing pattern which is probabilistic.
Cartesian Physics explains that there is no such thing as gluons. Instead, each pair goes with an aetherspace particle.
Instead of gluons with 3 color charges, a proton is a free aether bound by 3 aetherspace particles.
There are no gluons so there are no color charges.
The 3 color charges are the 3 aetherspace particles needed to bind a free aether particle into a proton.
The 3 quarks and 1 free aether are the effect of the
The addition of energy agitates the free aether, giving it 3 aether particles.