Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 8

Particle Spin: Rotation Orientation

by Juan Icon
December 28, 2024 3 minutes  • 458 words
Table of contents

Male and Female charges represent the rotation direction of a spinning particle.

Its rotation orientation, on the other hand, debited by up or down spin.

This is revealed by running the particle through a magnetic field.

  • This is because a magnetic field, as explained in Chapter 3, is really a flow of virtual photons mor2.
  • These virtual photons are columnar in nature and so they corkscrew through other particles.

This columnar nature is the reason why Physics calls photons or force particles as being spin 1.

  • Matter particles on the other hand are flatter and non-columnar.
  • This makes them have a ‘half-integer’ spin.

When a mor2 corkscrews through a particle, it causes that particle to spin.

An electron or qor1 has spin 1/2. And so a magnetic field will cause:

  • half of the electrons to go in one direction and
  • the rest to go to another.

This can be explained classically without any quantum mechanics.

In fact, this is what Lorentz and Zeeman assigned as the cause for the Zeeman Effect.

The Big Problem with Quantum Spin of Physics

In Physics, quantum spin is how fast a particle comes back to its original state upon being rotated in space.

  • A spin 0 does not change its state when its space changes

    • This is a point
  • A spin 1 means its state changes as fast as its space changes

    • This is a vector
  • A spin 2 means its state changes 2x as fast as its change in space (relative to spin 1)

    • This is a double vector
  • A spin 1/2 “Fermions”

  • Media particles have an “integer” spin

  • Quantum particles have a “half-integer” spin

Spin Sample Particle
0 Higgs Boson
1 Photon
2 Graviton

The whole problem with the Physics version began when Wolfgang Pauli discredited classical particle spin by saying that it violates the speed of light because the particle would have to spin or rotate faster than light.

This is one of the dogmas created by Einstein’s Relativity.

We explain that the electron spins within the speed of light because it needs 2 virtual photons to actually reach the speed of light.

This means that:

  • the electron will always spin within the speed of light
  • the electron has a limit on its maximum force

If follows that:

  • spin 1 particles spin at the speed of light
  • spin 2 particles spin faster than the speed of light – this is the nature of the spatial layer with confines the radiant

This also means that spin 3/2, 5/2, and higher can spin faster than the speed of light. It follows that they can change their location in space and time.

Therefore spins that are higher than 1 is the requirement for teleportation and levitation which changes a particles spacetime location.

Teleportation and Levitation

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