Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 8

Male and Female Charges: Rotation Direction

by Juan Icon
4 minutes  • 665 words
Table of contents

Part 2 explained that the rotation of a black hole or qost represents the vortex of an identity in the spatial layer.

The union of two vortices rotating in the opposite direction produces friction.

This friction downgrades the spatial qosts into radiant qors.

In the radiant layer, this duality takes the form of male and female charges.

Unlike the spatial layer, the union of male and female charges does not create friction.

Instead, it creates union and stability. This is why we chose the name of male and female.

History of Male and Female Analogy in Metaphysics

Historically, the ancient Vedics and Taoists:

  • assigned the male character to the Positive Force
  • assigned the female character to the Negative Force

By going through the particle shapes, we realized that this is because the force particles have a positive direction or rotation. These then go into matter particles which have gaps of holes for them.

So the force particles are like male penises and the matter particles are like female vaginas. This then explains why the Vedics worshipped the penis and vagina as phallus and yoni worship, respectively.

A charge is the rotation direction

This is based on the Positive Force being called masculine Shiva or Yang, and the Negative Force being called feminine Shakti or Yin.

This naming is also useful and intuitive for neutral charges which we call bisexual. This will be consistent in the Tranformative Layer which has the concept of ‘flavor-changing’ which we can equate to ‘sex-change’ in particles.

Layer Positive Vortex Negative Vortex
Aethereal Unifying Divisive
Spatial Counterclockwise Clockwise
Radiant Male Female
Convertible Left Right
Material Color Charge Anti-Color Charge

Like charges, such as male to male, or female to female, creates repulsion. Whereas, opposite charges such as male to female, creates attraction.

In fact, William Gilbert, who documented Earth’s magnetism, calls the attraction as Magnetick Coition which means sexual intercourse.

In Superphysics, electrons are positively charged, in line with the Positive Force, while protons are negatively charged, in line with the Negative Force.

This is why ’negative’ ions make us feel positive, and ‘positive’ ions make us feel negative.

The setting of electrons are negatively charged came from Benjamin Franklin .

Rather than confuse everyone by calling the negative as positive, we would rather call:

  • the negative as ‘feminine charge’
  • the positive as a ‘masculine charge’
  • the neutral as a ‘bisexual charge’
Superphysics Electron
In Superphysics, electrons have a masculine charge
We shall use the word “Feminine” in the place of “Negative” in speaking of that pole of activity.

Male and Female

The attraction between protons, electrons, and neutrons intuitively follow this naming convention, just as Shiva is male and Shakti is female.

Likewise, charges can change from positive to negative and vice versa just a male can choose to become a female, though far less common.

Radiant Layer

Quantum/Medium/Substance Spin Physics Charge Mass
qor1 (muon) 1/2 -1
qor2 (electron) 1/2 -1
qor3 (tau) 1/2 -1 1776.86 MeV/c2
mor1 (photon) 0 none none

Convertible Layer

Quantum/Medium/Substance Spin Physics Charge Mass
W- Bosons (moc1) 1/2 -1
W+ Bosons (moc2) 1/2 -1
Z Bosons (moc3) 1/2 -1 1776.86 MeV/c2
Neutron (soc) 1/2 none 940 MeV
Physics Name Superphysics Name Spin Physics Charge Mass Description
qot 1/2 +-1
Higgs Boson 0 none

So What’s the Use of Male and Female Charges?

The charges are a consequence of identities in the Radiant layer charting a course towards the Material layer via the Convertible layer. Using genders allows a intuitive and more diversified classification that is more robust than mere positive or negative. For example, binary male and female has variations as:

  • lesbian
  • gay
  • agender
  • cisgender
  • non-binary
  • two-spirit
  • genderfluid

These then lead to different combination-dynamics such as:

  • male + genderfluid
  • lesbian + gay
  • lesbian + agender
  • etc

Such combinations then have different properties which might be useful in the real world. These could lead to new specialized compounds or materials. Coming up with new compounds would be more difficult in a non-intuitive system that merely has positive-negative.

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