Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 3c

Virtual Photons and Material Magnetism

December 29, 2024 3 minutes  • 469 words
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Magnetism is the combined effect of 2 Layers:

Layer Job
Radiant Provides the force
Material Provides the avenues for the force

We define magnetism as the tendency for materials to attract and repel, independent of gravitation (which is the force of space particles on matter).

The Nature of Virtual Photons

Magnetic force comes from energetic virtual photons (mor2) that tunnel into channels, either in matter or non-media particles, to either repel or attract other matter.

These can be visualized like drill bits that rotate postively (anticlockwise). They require specific receiver particles or channels that will let them through and transfer their rotation or force.

Virtual Photon

Unlike gravity which is based on the displaced qosts (spacetime particles) by matter, magnetism uses mor3’s.

Virtual photons or mor3’s have a columnar shape. This is different from photons which are flat and therefore can only have a wave-shape. Space is full of these virtual photons that travel in straight lines.


The virtual photons transfer their energy to the particles or matter that have channels to allow them to pass through.

Each channel has an entrance and exit, called poles.

A material magnet always has two poles, as dipoles, because that is the nature of a channel.

A radiant magnet, called a magnetic moment, also has diploes.

Layer Effect of Virtual Photon on Channel
Radiant, Convertible, Material Quanta Spin
Material vom North and South Poles


The magnetic moment on a radiant particle also exposes that particle to spin as it absorbs the rotation of the virtual photon.

The spin number is the ratio of virtual photons needed to rotate the particle. 1/2 spin means 2 virtual photons are needed for each rotation.

Particle Spin Number
Electron and Quanta 1/2 (half-integer)
Substances 3/2, 5/2 (half-integer)
Media 1 (integer)

Material Magnetism

Material Magnetism requires channels in matter to flow through. This is opposed to electromagnetism which requires electrons to organize themselves into channels.

We can say that:

  • material magetism is vortexless magetism
  • electromagnetism is vortex magnetism where in the spinning electrons create the channels.

This is consistent with material gravity being vortexless and orbital gravity having a vortex.

Type Radiant Spatial
Vortex Electromagnetism Orbits
Vortexless Material Magnetism Material Gravity

All magnetic forces, even material magnetism, originated from vortex magnetism.

Natural magnets are an example of material magnetism. These were magnetized when they were struck by lightning.

Another example is the superconductor which are metals that have very straight channels.

Magnetic Attraction and Repulsion

Repulsion happens when the channels are opposed to each other. For example, when:

  • an exit faces an exit
  • an entrance faces and an entrance

Attraction happens when the chanels are aligned like when an exit is next to an entrance. This allows the virtual photons to keep on flowing.

This increases the magnetism by increasing the low pressure to a larger area.

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