The Radiant Layer (Electro-light)
The Radiant Layer is called electromagnetism in Physics
Chapter 1
The Radiant Layer of Superphysics →
Chapter 2
The Upper, Middle, and Lower Radiance →
Chapter 3
The Medium of Radiance (Photons, Heat, Magnetism) →
Chapter 3b
Virtual Photons →
Chapter 3c
Magnetism →
Chapter 3c
Wave-Particle Duality: Photo-Electric Effect and Double Slit Experiment →
Chapter 4
The Substance of Radiance: Electricity →
Chapter 4c
Electromagnetic Fields and Circuits →
Chapter 4b
Electromagnetism: Virtual Photon Vortices →
Chapter 4d
Plasma Superphysics →
Chapter 4c
Static Electricity →
Chapter 5
The Quantum of Radiance: Electrons →