Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 8

Dark Energy: The Expansion of Space-Time

by Juan Icon
4 minutes  • 843 words
Table of contents

In 1644, Descartes established a complete theory of gravity, saying that objects revolve around the sun at varying speeds based on their location or distance from the center vortex, represented by the sun.

  • The closest planets like Mercury revolved fast.
  • The outer planets like Jupiter revolved slower.
  • But the farthest objects revolved the fastest.

Each vortex is different from each other and so everything is relative depending on which vortex you use as the basis for measurement.

Newton debunks this in his Principia in 1685, saying that planets revolve according to their inertia and not their location.

This was validated when the outer planets were discovered. And so Descartes’ theory was abandoned forever.

Dark Matter and Dark Energy are Not Needed

But in 1933, Fritz Zwicky found that the outer parts of galaxies revolve faster than the inner parts, violating Newton. This led to the invention of dark matter to keep it within Newton’s laws.

But this really vindicated Descartes’ gravity – a supermassive blackhole is the best representation of a Cartesian vortex.

The speed of the outer parts is accounted for by the center of the vortex and not by any dark matter.

To put icing on the gravity-cake, the DESI telescopes, meant to measure dark energy, see that speed of the universe’s expansion measured through red-shift varies depending on which galaxy-cluster you look.

And so in Cartesian Physics, there is no need for either dark matter or dark energy.

  • Dark matter is an effect of the central vortex.
  • Dark energy is an effect of clusters of vortices relative to each other.

The Mechanism for Expansion

In Modern Physics, the expansion of the universe is seen through the red shift measured from distant galaxies. This acts like a doppler effect that shows that those galaxies are moving away.

The Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes measure this with a few galaxies. But specialized telescopes such as DESI measure the red shift from many galaxies for a long time.

This lets them get a bigger data set for the expansion. They find that that the expansion varies and depends on which galaxy cluster you look.

Descartes explained this expansion in the 1630’s.

According to him, the universe began when spacetime became divided. These divisions led to diverse vortices that later became galaxies, stars, and planets.

This division did not stop after those heavenly bodies were created. It still continues every nanosecond, or more properly at every Planck Time.

Expansion of the Universe
Dark Matter and Dark Energy are unnecessary because they are accounted for by properties of spacetime

It means that we are literally physically larger now than a moment ago. We are not able to perceive any change or difference because everything else is also getting larger.

We are only able to detect this size-increase not from our own planets or galaxies, but from the gaps between those galaxies where there is no matter to be increased. Descartes calls them ‘superficies’ (surfaces), which we rename into ’edges’.

These edges are traversed by photons from galaxies to ours. It is there where the photons are stretched (relative to themselves before they entered those edges or gaps) as to become red shifts.

These edges draw the territorial boundary of the galaxy (gravitational field to Newtonian Physics). This territory is where the size-increase happens internally as a single unit, independent of other galaxies.

This is similar to the Earth having a gravitational field or territory which keeps the Earth as a single unit. It explains why we and the atmosphere are not flung away by the rotation of the Earth.

The territory of a galaxy likewise keeps its contents as a single unit, making the size-increase uniform on its stars and matter.

Descartes assures us that the rate of division of spacetime is also uniform everywhere in the universe. This then leads to the constant speed of light which travels on that spacetime.

This means that if the rate of division were slower, then the top speed of light would also be slower.

This removes the need for any dark matter or dark energy, since the nature of the spacetime particles already accounts for those phenomena.

This also implies that the speed of light is not really decreed by spacetime, but by the aether that divides that spacetime.

The division of spacetime is an inexhaustible source of energy which Nikola Tesla tried to tap as cosmic energy. Unlike solar power which comes from a single source as the sun, this spacetime energy is everywhere, though extremely weak.

By processing Descartes’ principles, in theory, division-energy can be extracted by creating a vortex with defined edges from where the energy from spacetime division (air-aether) can be downgraded into electrical energy (fire-aether).

This downgrading has metaphysical consequences though. This is why advanced species would predictably rather use the fusion of material hydrogen as their main energy source or base load, and use spacetime-division only as a backup or starter.

In addition to the conclusions from Cartesian Physics mentioned earlier, this gives us an additional conclusion: Everything is expanding, even your own atoms.

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