Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 3b

Timespace as Holder of Gravitational Signatures

by Juan Icon
2 minutes  • 357 words
Table of contents

Timespace is the sublayer where time predominates and space is minimal.

This is visualized by our aethereal Cartesian Plane which is made up of polar coordinates.

The Aethereal Cartesian Plane
The Aethereal Cartesian Plane visualizes timespace just as the Material Cartesian Plane visualizes spacetime

Timespace is closer to the Aethereal Layer because:

  • it has more time than space
  • it has more access to discrete perceptions since time is the gap between perceptions in general (as opposed to space which is confined to a single perception)

While spacetime looks outward from the expanse of a single perception, timespace looks inward from the variety of perceptions.

This is why timespace is necessary to reveal and analyze the gravitational signature of an identity, which is totally inward or inherent.

The Glue for Spacetime

In Cartesian Physics, time is made up of independent moments or timespans. It follows that space is also independent as well. This leads to our concept of spacetime slices.


A life-span can be divided into countless parts, each completely independent of the others. My existence at one time does not follow that I exist at later times, unless some cause keeps me in existence. That cause creates me afresh at each moment.

The nature of time is different in:

  • the time for bringing something into existence, and
  • the time needed to keep a thing existing.
Spacetime Slices
Spacetime slices exist in the aetherspace

These independent slices:

  • exist inside the probabilistic aetherspace and
  • are glued together by timespace

The qualities of timespace are derived directly from the aethereal layer above it. This means that it is affected by, or is the result of, monads.

This is why the timespace particles are the holder for the aethereal gravitational signature in the spatial layer.

How it Works

Every material thing, such as a box, has the 5 Layers:

Layer Description
Aether Identity of the box
Spatial The space occupied by the box. This includes location
Radiant The energy of the box
Convertible The reactivity of the box to other matter
Material The mass of the box

Its location in space and time is determined by its timespace, as the main particle of the Spatial Layer.

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