The Properties of Space

3 minutes • 526 words
Table of contents
We define:
- space as the gap within perception
- distance as the gap between perceived identities, as objects, places, events, etc.
Physical Space and Metaphysical Space
Superphysics divides reality into the Physical and Metaphysical Domains, as the Cartesian View or Cartesian Dualism. This is different from Physics which only allows the Physical Domain.
- The space in the Physical Domain is called Physical Space.
This is detected by the physical eyes and touch. This is in the Lower Spatial Layer, as space-time.
- The space in the Metaphysical Domain is Metaphysical Space.
This is detected by thought and intuition (a 6th sense feeling). This is in the Middle Spatial Layer as the aetherspace.
The division between physical and metaphysical space (and time) is demarcated by the Spatial Internal Boundary or SIB.

For example, a kid might be obsessed with playing a certain video game the whole day, and only thinks about playing it. He sacrifices his studies, food, and sleep to play.
In that case, we say that:
- the idea of the video game occupies most of the space in his abstract mind.
- there is zero metaphysical distance between his consciousness and the video game.
- there is a greater distance between him and his studies and food
A man’s girfriend might be on the other side of the world, creating a maximum amount of physical ‘Earth-space’, as distance, between him and her. But she always occupies his mind, so they video call or chat all the time.
In that case:
- she, as an idea, occupies the maximum metaphysical space in his mind
- there is zero metaphysical distance between him and her.
Material Superhysics focuses on the Physical aspects of the universe and so we will focus on Physical space.
Metaphysical space will be useful to Material Superhysics in the distant future after humans learn how to cross between universes which have different physical laws from each other.
So for now, metaphysical space will be mostly important to Bio Superphysics for use in solving mental problems.
Space is 2-Dimensional
Modern Physics uses differential geometry of Gauss and Riemann to create 3-dimensional worlds or objects. This tries to create the world in advance of whatever perceptions are made within that world.
The problem is that perceptions are arbitrary based on one’s gravitational signature. And so whatever 3D world is created will either:
- not match reality
- be so complicated to plot in 3D

This is why space in Superphysics is plotted sequentially, similar to a printer which prints an image line by line.
All these slices or pages then only follow Euclidean geometry. These are glued together by the abstract mind to create 3D worlds through aethereal links between perceptions.