Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 5

The Quantum of Aether as the Free Aether

by Juan Icon
August 1, 2014 2 minutes  • 295 words
Table of contents

The Quantum of aether (qoa), more commonly manifesting as the free aether, is the smallest unit of an aethereal substance which takes the form of the universe.

This free aether is made up of monads which are the most basic unit in existence.

  • In
  • In Essassani philosophy, this is called the prime radiant.
  1. Upper Qoa

This is known as the abstract mind. This is essential for both natural and artificial intelligence.

  1. Qoa

This is known as waves whether they be crudified into gravitational waves, energy waves, or light waves

  1. Lower Qoa

This is known as ideas (from the Supreme’s perspective) or thoughts from our perspective.

The Upper Qoa

This is the abstract lower mind that allows the waves and thoughts to be manifest themselves.

This leads to true artificial intelligence which we call Automated Natural Intelligence.

In ancient natural philosophy, the aether was called the ‘substance’ that filled all of Existence.

Since it is two layers above the radiant layer which facilitates sight and touch, then it is not visible nor tangible.

It is detected in 2 ways:

  1. Directly through intution

Intuitional detection of the aether is explained by Bio Superphysics.

  1. Indirectly through patterns from the visible layers

This will be done in Material Superphysics through Qualimath.


Every substance has one principal attribute.

  • Mind-substances have thinking as their one principal attribute.
  • Body-substances have extension as their one principal attribute.


  • extension in length, width, and depth, constitutes the nature of corporeal substance.
  • thought is the nature of thinking substance
The World Simplified

Everyone has had an idea. Therefore, ideas are real, but not physical in nature. These ideas then spur us into action in the physical domain.

From the Creator’s viewpoint a qoa is Its idea. From a createe’s viewpoint, it is a thought.

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