Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 3

The Medium-Substance-Quantum MSQ Classification

by Juan Icon
5 minutes  • 959 words
Table of contents
Principles Assertions
There are 5 Layers in Reality The MSQ Classification makes it easier to classify things within the 5 Layers

The Superphysics Naming Convention for Particles

To make Physics easier to understand, we classify everything in Existence into three:

  1. Medium
  2. Substance
  3. Quantum

Substance is the essence of things or identities that we perceive.

I think of myself as a thing that thinks and is not extended. I also think of the stone as a thing that is extended and does not think. The two conceptions differ enormously. But they seem to have the classification ‘substance’ in common.
Meditations Simplified, Part 3
Sensory ideas must be produced by some substance other than me. This substance actually has all the reality that is represented in the ideas that it produces. This substance is either a body, or it is God.
Meditations Simplified, Part 6

Both physical things such as rocks, and metaphysical things such as a soul, have substance or essence in common.

Quantum is the smallest part of substance.


In logic, essence occupies the same place as quantity in the sphere of being. Essence has absolute indifference to limitation [essence is unlimited].

But quantity is this indifference in an immediate determination.

It gains a limit due to its immediate external determinateness and becomes a quantum [quantum is limited essence or substance. Quantum is created when the mind forcibly quantizes the inherently-illogical or arbitrary substance so that the mind can use logic on the naturally-illogical].

Science of Logic, Book 2, Article 814

Substance is free whereas quantum is confined.

  • Substance is general
  • Quantum is specific

Medium is how a substance of quantum is perceived.

If knowledge is not an instrument, but is instead a kind of passive medium through which the light of the truth reaches us, then here too we do not receive the Absolute as It is. Instead, we get the medium-version of the Absolute.
The Phenomenology of Spirit, Introduction

To transmit these substances and quanta, this medium must be dynamic and therefore have inherent force. This is why we regard:

  • force as media
  • matter and identity as substance and quanta

Therfore, everything in the universe is either a Medium or a Substance.

  • Medium is where force works through.
  • Substance is the discrete identity that reacts to the force.
  • Quantum is the smallest perceivable unit of Substance. This contains the gravitational signature.

The 5 Elements

The ancients classified all phenomena into 5 Elements, 3 of which are known to Modern Physics:

Superphysics “Layers” Greek-Hindu-Chinese “Elements” Physics “Standard Model”
Probability Metaphysical Probability
Aethereal Aether, Akasha, 水 (still water) Pseudo-science
Spatial Air, Vayu, 木 (moving wood) Gravity
Radiant Fire, Tejas, 火 (expanding fire) Electromagnetism
Convertible Water, Jala, 土 (changing earth) Weak
Material Earth, Pritvi, 金 (solid metal) Strong

Noticably absent in Physics is the aethereal layer or element which serves as the backstage or code for the physical stage or app that interact with the audience or users, where the audience are the perceivers of phenomena.

This is why Physics is unable to pin down causal mechanisms just as a stage-play that does not use a backstage will lead to a messy show that has stage and backstage elements together, like how Physics mixes up cause and effect.

We then integrate the Medium-Substance-Quantum model with the 5 Elements model.

Instead of the messy and arbitrary naming of Fermions, Bosons, Hadrons, Baryons, Mesons, Leptons, etc., we use base the name on:

  • whether it is a medium, substance, quantum and
  • the Layer involved.
Physics Concept Superphysics Counterpart
Fermions Non Media
Bosons Media
Baryon-Hadron Convertible-Material
Meson-Hadron Material (free aether as quark-antiquark pair)
Leptons Radiant-Convertible

Instead of unsystemic names such as gluons, quarks, electrons, we use acronyms that show an identity’s place in the model.

Physics Particle Superphysics Particle
Photon mor (Medium of Radiance)
Electron qor (Quantum of Radiance)
Neutrino qoc (Quantum of Conversion)
Gluon mom (Medium of Matter)
Quark qom (Quantum of Matter)
Superphysics 5 Layer Model
The Superphysics MSQ Model uses a simpler naming convention for particles. Note how there is no such thing as an atom-substance, but rather a proton to represent the material layer. This is consistent with the periodic table of elements, which we call vom or versions of matter, being based on proton number

The Gap in Knowledge in Modern Physics

The MSQ model is much better-organized because it is made from the perspective of Nature in totality, instead of from the limited perceptions of humans.

The Standard Model
The Standard Model overlaid on the MSQ model. Notice the huge gap in knowledge needed to be bridged

This exposes a huge gap in knowledge, mostly with the upper layers of the aether and spacetime. Even the lower layers have some gaps such as:

  • variations of neutrons and protons
  • the internal boundaries of the convertible and material

Knowing the internal boundaries of the lower layers will help create new compounds and sub-states of matter.

For now, we hypothesize 2 additional versions of protons and neutrons to fill the gaps which we got from accounts of alien technology:

Name Physical Example
soc1 (upper neutron) ?
soc3 (lower neutron) Neutron weapons (Lazar from Grays)
som1 (upper proton) Element 115 (Lazar from Grays)
som3 (lower proton) Indestructible metals (Essassani)

Differences Between MSQ and Standard Model Particles

The MSQ model also exposes some differences between Particle Physics and Particle Superphysics regarding neutrons and neutrinos.

  • Physics classifies neutrinos under Electromagnetism (Radiant Layer) and neutrons under the Strong Force (Material Layer). This is because neutrinos run at nearly the speed of light and because neutrons have quarks.
  • Superphysics, on the contrary, classifies both under the Convertible Layer or Weak Force. This is because they facilitate change or the conversion of matter just like the W and Z Bosons.

Each Layer will be discussed in its own Part.

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