Superphysics Superphysics

De Broglie's Pilot Wave vs Bohr's Copenhagen Interpretation

by Juan Icon
January 30, 2024 2 minutes  • 302 words
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In Cartesian Physics, both the Pilot wave theory of De Broglie and the Copenhagen Interpretation of Bohr are properties of the fire-aether (Electromagnetism), which we call the Radiant Layer in Superphysics.

The Radiant Layer is subservient to the Spatial Layer (spacetime).

This is why both Pilot Wave and Copenhagen show the same interference or wave pattern, since spacetime is made up of waves.

Pilot Wave Theory
The interpretations of Bohr, De Broglie, and Einstein are all within Cartesian Physics

Pilot Wave Versus Copenhagen Interpretation

The main difference is that the Pilot-wave theory is more inclined towards the Spatial Layer, whereas the Copenhagen Interpretation is more inclined towards the Aethereal Layer.

The Aethereal Layer is superior to the Spatial Layer and so Bohr’s theory is naturally superior to that of De Broglie.

Moreover, the aether is superior to spacetime. This is why the aether can move arbitrily and instantaneously and does not obey logic or any sequence.

An aethereal object can move from Point A to Point B instantly. An example is an aethereal idea which you have now, but suddenly lose or forget the next moment.

In contrast, matter is subordinate to spacetime. This is why a rock falls from Point A to Point B in an ordered, temporal sequence. A rock on a table cannot instantly vanish or teleport to another place.

The Copenhagen Interpretation is more useful for philosophical applications. For example, if you were born poor then it does not follow that Nature has locked you in, or determined you to be poor forever. You can then use this change your state of mind and break out of poverty.

The Pilot-Wave Theory is more useful for technological applications. For example, it can be used to increase the chances of quantum tunneling.

This is why Pilot Wave restores the determinism destroyed by Copenhagen.

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