Superphysics Superphysics

Why Physics is Dying

October 6, 2024 4 minutes  • 658 words
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Sabine recenlty posted a video where she rants about the death of Physics.

Theoretical Physics began to fail with M-Theory which was overtaken by String Theory, both of which are currently useless.

Then Supersymmetry also failed when its predicted particles didn’t show up in the colliders.

Then Lambda CDM (Big Bang Theory) failed when the James Webb Space Telescope revealed distant galaxies to be the same age as ours, together with the Hubble Tension that put Cosmology in crisis.

Loop Quantum Gravity

Then Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) failed by being untestable like String Theory. It tries to turn gravity into a quantum effect by quantizing spacetime.

Gravity then emerges from relativistic quantized spaces which form a “spin network”, as empty space. Time is created as sequences of spin networks, called a “spin foam”.

The spin network is roughly similar to our spacetime slices just as spin foam is similar to our aetherspace.

However, the concept of LQG are not testable because it is impossible to physically create artificial space and time. It can only be created in the imagination: you can quantize your thoughts to make them gravitate to each other, and then put them in a sequence to create the phenomenon of time.

Our spacetime slices, on the other hand, are testable through predictions of social and personal events that actually happen in physical reality. Our aetherspace is testable through alternative medicine via chi and chakra, or through the prelevitation* of masses without magnetism.

Superphysics Note
*Making a mass lighter without actually levitating

The Root Cause: Relativity

All these failures pf Physics have one thing in common: they are rooted in Einstein’s Special and General Relativity which introduced the biggest fallacy that Electromagnetism is the supreme Element or Force in Nature.

Instead of dividing reality into 5 Elements or Forces (Strong, Weak, Electromagnetic, Spacetime, Aether), it makes the Electromagnetic Force superior to the aether, as E=mc^2. This leads to the failures of Supersymmetry.

It also makes Electromagnetic Force superior to Spacetime, causing the failures of String Theory, Lambda CDM, and LQG.

This is why Sabine mentions LQG’s incompatibility with Lorentz Invariance. This is also why LQG is incompatible with the rest of Quantum Mechanics because the nature of spacetime is different from electromagnetism.

The Cartesian Solution: 5 Elements

Cartesian-Spinozan Physics solves all of these by replacing Einstein’s Electromagnetic-centered Relativity with a Relativity that respects the division of the 5 Elements.

This allows the artificial manipulation of gravity is proven by levitating monks, UFOs, or Egyptian pyramid blocks that become lighter for easier construction with less manpower.

We have been able to prelevitate a 1kg mass by using the aether back in 2020 during the pandemic, and again in 2022.

The main problem is that the aether always changes. And so the settings for an successful experiment today will not work tomorrow. We then have to redo the whole experiment from scratch. The only way to avoid redoing it is to constantly check for the aether.

This is similar to how a navigator on a ship must check the sun or north star every hour or so to know his position and orientation relative to the position in the previous hour. This creates relative points that form a path. He can then know whether that path is heading for his destination or not.

The aether is like a sun or north star that always moves around. In this case, the navigator must plot not only the ship’s movement relative to its past position, but also the sun or north star based on the old position of the sun or north star.

The ancient Egyptians did this by having an army of priest-researchers who regularly slaved away to sense the aether and then use it for construction or prediction of planting and harvest.

Our strategy is to use machine learning to plot the changes in the aether so that we can automate the prelevitation experiments as much as possible.

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