Superphysics Superphysics

White Holes are a Fallacy from Relativity

by Juan Icon
July 6, 2024 3 minutes  • 507 words
Table of contents

Recently, some science websites have asked why White Holes are never found even if they are predicted by General Relativity.

This is because white holes, just like worm holes, will never be found because they are based on General Relativity which is false to begin with.

What are White Holes?

Wikipedia describes it as a hypothetical region of spacetime and singularity that cannot be entered from the outside, although energy-matter, light and information can escape from it.

Black hole

Basically, it is a hypothetical black hole in reverse. Instead of sucking in light, it emits light from its singularity. The mechanism is the absurd idea of time-reversal wherein the Hawking radiation of a black hole becomes the emission of a white hole through its singularity.

So where did the absurdity of time-reversal come from?

To understand why physicists suddenly lost their common sense and started to think that time can reverse, we have to go back to before the Michelson-Morley experiment (MME).

Before MME, physicists thought that space was fixed. Since light had wave properties, then there should be something in between space and light to give light those wave properties.

That somehing was the aether. It should make light have different speeds as it moved through space.

But the MME proved that the speed of light was fixed. And so physicists there was not aether. It meant that space was not fixed and it was the one giving wave properties to light as a wavy invariant fabric called spacetime – this was the General Relativity theory from the genius sophist Albert Einstein.

Physicists thought that this meant that time could move forward and backward.

The Absurdity of Time-Reversal

But in Cartesian Physics (which is one of the basis for Superphysics), time only moves forward since time is the gap between perceptions. We all notice that we have perceptions after perceptions – we keep on adding to our experiences.

We never experience a continuous forgetting process where we forget more and more. It would be like our mobile phones deleting its data continously until it deletes even its own operating system and stops working. If that were the nature of the universe, then there would be no existence by now.

So clearly the reversal of time is absurd

The reality is that the aether is not between space and light. Instead, the aether is behind space and space is behind light. In other words:

  • spacetime limits light to 300,000 km/s
  • aether limits spacetime to this current universe, making the other universes imperceptible

The Entropy Excuse

Some smarter Physicists realize that white holes are impossible because they require entropy which is always supposed to move forward in time.

In Cartesian Physics, heat is part of the electromagnetic family which also includes light. Since the Post-MME physicists put electromagnetism as superior to spacetime, then the inherent nature of entropy logically debunks the time reversal from General Relativity.

A reverse entropy would be the universe shrinking back into a nothing-point, which is absurd.

The main culprit is


This is because

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