Superphysics Superphysics

The Fallacy Zwicky's of Tired Light

by Juan Icon
October 14, 2024 1 minutes  • 178 words

Fritz Zwicky proposed the concept of Tired Light back in 1929 as a mechanism for redshift.

It suggests that photons lose their energy over time through collisions with other particles. This would then make the distant particles appear redder than the nearby ones.

It contradicts the expanding universe.

But the tired light theory is wrong because the real mechanism for red shift is the edges of galaxies not being totally in sync. This causes the light to stretch, causing a red shift.

Zwicky (and the whole of Newtonian Physics) does not have the concept of galaxy edges. And so he accounts for the red shift by putting the energetic or color property of light onto gravity, which is really a property of spacetime.

This idea was revived by Rajendra Gupta to explain redshift observations. He uses that property of light to account for dark matter and dark energy.

But this leads to quack physics that means:

  • sometimes light has that red-shifting property, leading to a non-expanding universe
  • sometimes that property transfers to spacetime, leading to an expanding universe.

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