Superphysics Superphysics

Why String Theory and Supersymmetry are a waste of time

by Juan Icon
December 21, 2024 4 minutes  • 813 words
Table of contents

In the 19th century, the speed of light was discovered to be constant and the same regardless of who looked at it.

When applied to space, this meant that space was flexible and not fixed.

  • This led to the idea of length contraction wherein bodies changed their length depending on their speed.
It assumes that the line joining 2 points of a solid body does not conserve its length
The Relative Motion of the Earth and the Aether

The Simultaneity of Time Fallacy

The big problem began in 1905 when Einstein applied the same constant speed of light to time, as the idea of “simultaneity of time”.

Practically, this prevented teleportation and only allowed time-travel upon reaching very fast speeds.

Theoreticaly, this led to problems with particle physics when the possible interactions between particles were analyzed through Feynman loops.

  • These loops applied the simultaneity of time to particles and naturally came up with impossible infinities.

To solve these infinities, Supersymmetry Theory was created.

  • This theorized partner particles for each of the known ones, making the infinite finite.
  • However, such partner particles have never been found.
String Theory and Supersymmetry are wrong

Another theoretical problem created by the simultaneity of time was that gravity did not match quantum mechanics.

This is because simultaneity uses light to judge space, when in reality, it is the immaterial space (as an agent of the aether) that judges material light.

To solve this, String Theory was invented.

  • This absurdly converts particles into dimensions which are glued together by an even more absurd ‘M-Theory’.

In other words:

  • Supersymmetry converts imaginary objects into ‘partner particles’
  • String Theory turns particles into imaginary objects

So both of them are just 2 sides of the same fallacy coin.

  • Both of them will fail in reality because an imaginary object can never have a reality no matter what you do.

Both String Theory and Supersymmetry are just 2 sides of the same fallacy coin.

The creator of the imaginary object is the simultaneity of time.

  • This is because, in Cartesian Physics, the true cause of simultaneity is the 5th Element called the aether.
  • But Einstein’s simultaneity is based on light (1st Element) and so does not match Nature or reality

The Cause of the Problem: Not Knowing Why C is C

String theory and Supersymmetry are a waste of time because Relativity is false.

  • Relativity is false because time is mental, not electromagnetic.

All tests of Relativity are merely electromagnetic measurements of how things already are.

For example, measuring the sun to rise in the east very accurately does not explain why the sun rises to the east.

  • And so Aristotle and Ptolemy theorized false concentric spheres to account for why the sun rises in the east.

Similarly, humans created false string theory to account for why light is limited to 300,000 kilometers per second.

Therefore, both Einstein and Ptolemy are fallacies peddled as truth, covering up the real ignorance of how Nature works.

The Solution: Time is Mental and Subjective

The solution is to get rid of Einstein’s Relativity which carries the false idea of the simultaneity of time.

Instead of being light-based, time can be split into 3 kinds:

  1. Mental Time

This is timespace based on the Aether layer (5th Element to Cartesian Physics)

  1. Electromagnetic Time

This is timespace based on the Radiant layer (1st Element to Cartesian Physics). This is known as relativistic time in Einstein’s Physics.

  1. Material Time

This is timespace based on the Material layer (3rd Element to Cartesian Physics). This is known as absolute time in Classical mechanics

String Theory and Supersymmetry are wrong

In this way:

  • the infinities of particles are removed by sourcing the energy of particles from the external spacetime.
  • the mismatch between gravity (spatial layer) and quantum mechanics (aethereal layer) is corrected by making the aether the mechanism behind spacetime

In Cartesian Physics, the simultaneity of time becomes a mere convention instead of a principle. It can be used when an engineer needs to measure passive time very accurately, such as:

  • in GPS or
  • in experiments comparing twins, one in a space station and another on Earth.

This is similar to using chopsticks when eating at a Chinese restarurant.

  • There is no rule that a diner must use chopsticks. It is only done if a diner wants to perfectly match the utensil to the dining experience.

Likewise, the simultaneity of time is only used for such passive time measurements.

Active, arbitrary, and imprecise time measurements will be allowed again.

  • This will free up space and time from the shackles of electromagnetism, allowing the possibility of levitation and teleportation through the aether.

The aether will naturally be discovered when atom-smashing fades in popularity because of its high cost and uselessness, and is replaced by atom-shaking which can be done with ordinary electronics.

Update Dec 22, 2024
Overhauled the post after drilling down on the simultaneity of time in Part 2, Chapter 9 of Material Superphysics Principles

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