Superphysics Superphysics

The Fallacy of Einstein's Simultaneity

by Juan Icon
December 6, 2024 3 minutes  • 469 words
Table of contents

Physics has become backward because of the failure of gravity research.

The Einstein Trap

The cause is Einstein pegging the simultaneity of time to the speed of light as Special Relativity simply because light, as c, is constant and invariant in empty space.

To a shallow mind, this constancy and invariance makes it an ideal measuring rod or timer.

But the big problem is that time and space are mental, and not physical, measures. This was fully explained by Poincare in “The Measure of Time”.

We have not a direct intuition of the equality of 2 intervals of time. The persons who believe they possess this intuition are dupes of an illusion.
The Measure of Time, Part 3

Using c therefore locks in space and time. We call this the Einstein Trap – nothing can travel faster than light.

We break this trap by using Descartes’ Relationality in to simplify reference frames into ‘viewspaces’ and observers as ‘viewpoints’.


A person sitting at the stern might always remain in one place if we look at the parts of the ship, since he preserves the same location with respect to these.

On the other hand, if we look at the neighbouring shores, the same person will seem to be perpetually changing place. We see him constantly receding from one shore and approaching another.

If the earth moves from west to east exactly as the ship moves from east to west, we again say that the person at the stern does not change his place. This is because his place will be determined by certain immovable points in the heavens.

I assert that all points are movable in the universe. From this, I conclude that nothing has a permanent place unless it is fixed by our thought.

Principia Philosophia Part 2, Articles 13-15

Time-Space: The Secret Sauce

We then replace linear Minkowski spacetime with Cartesian spacetime slices, and the arrow of time with a timespace particle.

A lifespan can be divided into countless parts, each completely independent of the others.. The nature of time is different in the time for bringing something into existence, and the time needed to keep a thing existing.
Meditations, Part 3

This allows both sequential (linear) motion and non-sequential (teleporting) motion by default, with timespace as the causal mechanism instead of mass or energy. This is because timespace is mostly aethereal in Nature, as being in the upper sublayer of the spatial layer.

Space-Time: The Cause of Gravity, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy

The spacetime slices remove the warping of spacetime, restoring gravity as a force. The main difference is that Newtonian gravity is a pulling force from matter, whereas Cartesian gravity is a pushing force from spacetime.

This accounts for the actions of both gravity, dark matter, and dark energy in one principle.

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