Superphysics Superphysics

The History of Relativity

by Juan Icon
January 31, 2020 5 minutes  • 933 words
Table of contents

Superphysics was created because of the defiencies in the materialist or limited sciences such as Economics, Sociology, Medicine, etc.

Material Superphysics was created specifically to fix the deficiencies in the physical sciences such as Physics and Chemistry.

The biggest error in Physics is the Theory of Relativity by Einstein. This is similar to the Marginal Revolution error of Modern Economics that has caused so many problems in society.

Relativity has held back Physics since the 1900s by misdirecting research efforts towards uselessness.

The History of the Aether Idea

Relativity has its roots with the Luminiferous Aether idea of Augustin Fresnel who presented his wave theory in 1816.

He got the aether idea from Huygens who got it from Descartes which was actually a totally different idea.

Huygen’s aether is more similar to the 2nd Element of Descartes, and not the spatial aether (which is the aetherspace in Superphysics).

Fresnel believed that within space, there was an invisible elastic aether that propelled light and gave it wave properties. This was also eventually adopted by Maxwell.

Since this propulsion was directional, then there should be some drag from the opposite direction as to change the speed of light. This variable speed of light is consistent with Descartes’ Physics.

The Michelson-Morley experiment revealed no aether drag and that the speed of light was constant everywhere and in whatever direction.

Before this, it was thought that space was constant and light was changing.

After this, physicists realized that space was changing and light was constant.

This prompted Lorentz to create length contractions (1892), and Poincare to create the Law of Relativity (1902) in space.

Poincare’s Law of Relativity is based on a body’s current state compared to its initial state and the current states of other bodies, all referencing the current absolute state of the system.

This is consistent with Descartes’ Rule 1 of state-change (since the Cartesian aether is arbitrary), and with Quantum Mechanics that came later with Bohr.

Einstein Messes Up Physics

For some reason, Einstein comes out of nowhere in 1905 to hack Poincare’s Law of Relativity.

He enshrines the constancy of the speed of light and uses it as a measure of both space and time, disregarding Newton. This is wildly different from Poincare who allowed different times such as Mental time.

This flexibility of time is why Poincare wrote:

We have not a direct intuition of the equality of 2 intervals of time. The persons who believe they possess this intuition are dupes of an illusion.
The Measure of Time

But Einstein duped everyone and locked space and time to light anyway. This led to E=mc^2 where m is really electromagnetic potential in active particles and not Newtonian mass in static inertial ones.

This is why it works for uranium, but not for iron. This led to nuclear fission at the expense of nuclear fusion which requires anti-gravity which is impossible under Einstein, but possible under Poincare.

Poincare’s Law of Relativity Matches Quantum Mechanics and James Webb Space Telescope

In Cartesian Physics, the speed of light varies in every star system dictated by that star’s vortex.

Light is 300,000 km/s because that is how the sun wants it.

An atom has a certain number of electron shells (different from other atoms) because that’s how its nucleon wants it.

Similarly, a CEO sets the salary brackets [energy levels] for his employees because that’s how he wants it (based on his Finance background [laws of thermodynamics]).

The electron has to follow those shells imposed by the nucleon’s territory just as light has to follow the speed imposed on it by the star’s territory.

Likewise, the employees have to follow the salary brackets in order to maintain the cohesiveness of the company (where the salary represents the energy states).

To Einstein, the speed of light is constant EVERYWHERE. So it means that light from a distant galaxy 1 million light years away is 1 million years old.

But to Descartes, that light is the current age.

For example, if your friend in Berlin starts a 1 hour Zoom meeting exactly at 6:00 pm, then the you at Tokyo will start it at 2:00 am. A lag of 1 second in the Zoom signal does not mean that Berlin started its meeting late by 1 second.

An Einsteinian would argue that if the lag were 1 hour then at 3:00 am you see your Berlin friend’s state at 2:00 am. Therefore, you see a non-current version of your friend.

A Cartesian would reply that such a lag would mean something unnatural was blocking the signal, causing it to float in limbo for 1 hour. But space telescopes see the light from distant galaxies continuously and not twinkling nor disrupted. So there should be no, or very little lag, in its information.

This is why the James Webb Space Telescopes (JWST) shows all distant galaxies as having nearly the same look as ours, instead of being at their infancy.

The problem is that physicists have been conditioned to think that Einstein was a genius. And so they would rather concoct wacky new theories on early galaxy formation to match the data from JWST rather than the more common sense solution of dropping Relativity.

The total refutation of Einstein’s Relativity is essential not only in matching the findings of JWST and Hubble. It is also needed to harmonize Classical Mechanics with Quantum Mechanics through the Cartesian Aether as a ‘Grand Unifying Theory’.

This unification will create the anti-gravity that is needed for nuclear fusion and space travel that is superior to nuclear fission and Newtonian rockets respectively.

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