Drone Sightings and Cartesian Physics

December 11, 2024 2 minutes • 389 words
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Since November 2024, there have been numerous drone sightings in New York & New Jersey, as both small and large UAPs at night.
The small ones:
- hovered and moved erratically without sound
- were undetectable through radar or heat
- had pulsating lights like LED instead of headlights
The large ones had sound but seemed to travel more predictably.
All of these observations are consistent with both Cartesian Physics (as the principles) and the Bob Lazar UFO called a Sport model (as precedent).
The Sport Model

The Sport Model has 3 main features:
- An anti-gravity mechanism made up of 3 anti-gravity emitters.
These channel “Gravity-A” waves for propulsion, allowing it to hover and move in any direction abruptly.
This is mysterious to Newtonian Physics because Newton assigned the mechanism of gravity to the amount of matter in a body. Einstein’s E=mc^2 allowed this mechanism to be energy.
But Descartes refutes both and instead sources the mechanism to the external liquid space called the 2nd Element. This allows liquid gravity “waves” to be emitted for antigravity.
- A single metal body that lets all electromagnetic (EM) waves pass through
This is why it can be invisible to both sight and EM detection.
Descartes explains that electromagnetism is caused by straight channels in matter, and not in positive or negative charges.
Therefore, it is possible for a metal to be undetectable electromangetically if it has channels to let those EM waves pass through.
- Antimatter power at 100% efficiency, allowing it to not give away heat.
Descartes explains that matter is not held by gluons but by the same empty space that causes gravity. This is why Lazar calls gravity as Gravity-B and the strong force as Gravity-A.
Manipulating this space can convert matter into antimatter more cheaply than the current brute force approach
The UFO/UAP Drones Cannot be Hypersonic
The smallness of the UAP drones means that it is likely unmanned.
Cartesian Physics predicts that it would have fewer features than a manned model. It won’t be able to zip around like the tic tac model because hypersonic and faster-than-light travel requires the aether, which needs a living detector, i.e. the living pilot is the one instructing the UFO to go hypersonic.
What likely happens is that the drones disappear and then fly back to a bigger ship which is capable of hypersonic travel