Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 7b

Amok Syndrome

by Juan Icon
October 15, 2024 2 minutes  • 335 words

In Southeast Asia, the Amok Syndrome is the condition where people become instantly become aggressive after being put under psychological pressure.

This now manifest as mass shootings in the United States.

Western science merely calls it as a type of mental health issue.

We explain that it is caused by the nerves losing its ability to be controlled by the subtler chi, that it only allows the cruder chi.

The pineal gland has all the programmings for the human body, as a nexus or hub for all kinds of chi, from crude to subtle.

These chi come from the 7 chakras which are the gateways between the physical and metaphysical domains from the perspective of the living wave-frequencies (i.e. waves that are not so negative and crude and physical).

The choices of each person let either crude of subtle waves pass through into the body.

A lifetime of crude choices therefore fills the body with crude chi, making its cells and nerves crude.

When external negativity is added on to it, the body goes into a crude self-preservation drive that aims to get rid of whatever threats its existence.

This makes it go amok and kill those perceived threats.

Like all Negative things, this makes the person himself die either by revenge from other people or by suicide.

In some cultures, this is associated with eating pork, and is probably why the Prophet Mohammad banned pork.

But in reality, the cause is the degredation of the nerves from bad or static chi.

Eating meat in large amounts contributes to it. Pork is more static than fish and some small animals.

But nerves get crude by taking intoxicants, having too much sex, overthiking, and growing old.

In such cases, the pineal gland weakens and is unable to control chi effectively.

The common preventatives are:

  • eating a sentient plant-based diet
  • using meditation to calm the nerves
  • avoiding intoxicants and excessive sex
  • reading spiritual books
  • avoiding crude ideas and movies and music
  • doing things that match your dharma.

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