The Importance of Living Food
by Juan
January 25, 2020 1 minutes • 99 words
Table of contents
From Food into Lymph
Our body gets both the building blocks and energy from the food that we eat.
The first step is for food to inside our stomach and intestines where it mixes with digetinve fluids and are absorbed by the intestines to become rasa.
This goes into the liver and kidneys to be purified into blood.
The blood becomes flesh, fat, bone, bone marrow, and ultimately into lymph.
The lymph becomes the seminal fluid for the creation of new life.
Cartesian | Yogic |
Bitter | Rasa |
Salty | Blood |
Sweet | Flesh |
Fatty | Fat |
Pungent | Bone |
Watery | Bone marrow |
Acidic | Lymph |