Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 3b

How Homeopathy Works

by Juan Icon
September 5, 2024 2 minutes  • 285 words

The mechanism of homeopathy is vibration and not contact forces.

It works because everything is a wave, whether a virus, bacteria, herb, or a person’s cells. The cells soak up on the patient’s personality (have the same vibration).

Dilutions work by transferring the herb’s vibration to water which reflects back the vibration. This is like speaking in a small bathroom where the sound is reflected back, making the sound louder.

Each dilution is like taking a recording of that louder sound and then reflecting it back. (In the future, physicists will learn from this and start shaking atoms instead of smashing them in colliders which currently gets nothing discovered)

The vibration of the immune system of each person repels disease vibrations constantly. Sometimes a disease vibration gets through, as a bacteria, virus, etc.

This means the immune system has a hole that is exploited by the virus. The homeopathic medicine screams this to the person’s cells so that they can take appropriate action. This is because the body is quite dumb (this is why it even attacks itself sometimes.)

The good thing is that if the diagnosis is wrong, then the homeopathic medicine merely screams wolf.

But if antibiotics are wrong, then you poison at least the kidney and liver.

Doctors are against homoeopathy because in theory, the patient can cure himself with its Materia Medica (reference book), the deeper he knows his own personality.

Homeopathy doesn’t work if the personality match is wrong, or if you don’t believe in it – the medicine will scream but your cells will just ignore it since it copies your non-believing personality.

Homeopathy should actually be promoted as it can relieve overburdened healthcare systems and reduce insurance costs.

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