Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 1

Plant Abilities

by Juan Icon
January 31, 2020 1 minutes  • 205 words
Table of contents

Superbiology adds the following observations about the hidden or unknown abilities or features of plants

  1. Growth by Moonlight
  2. Rainwater Magnet
  3. Chi Generation


Some Plants prefer moonlight over sunlight. This is because the direct light of the sun might be hurtful to them just as they might hurt some people with sensitive skin.

An example of moonlight-affected plant is Basil. Such plants should be give maximum exposure to moonlight.

Rain Magnets

It is known in Asia that certain plants can attract rain clouds. Examples are:

  • sirisha [Albizzia lebbeck benth.]
  • shisu [Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.]
  • Himalayan white oak [Quercus incana Roxb.]
  • ferns

Ferns are known to thrive in rainforests and is one of the causes of the existence of such rainforests.

Chi Generation

Chi or animal spirits is a metaphysical energy that affects living organisms, just as physical energy affects nonliving things.

Five trees (paiṋcavati) are known to give off positive chi:

  1. Nimbá (margosa)
  2. Bilva (wood apple)
  3. Shalmali (silk cotton tree)
  4. Bat (banyan indica)
  5. Ashvatha (Indian fig tree)

The air of the margosa tree:

  • destroys the harmful effects of bacteria
  • can fight against negative chi

Some people of course use ámlakii (wood sorrel) as a substitute plant. In paiṋcavati, mahánimba may be planted instead of ordinary margosa.

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