Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 1b

Classifying Elementals

by Juan Icon
July 22, 2024 3 minutes  • 631 words
Table of contents

General Classification According to Physicality

The physicality of the Elementals follows 3 tracks:

Tracks Examples
Metaphysical Devas
Semi-physical Viruses, Luminous beings
Physical Carbon Atoms and other organic mater
Elemental Tracks


Physical elementals are organic matter that serve as the basis for life. We say that life begins through such Elementals that take the form of non-living carbon atoms.

In contrast, inorganic matter has no Elementals and so they are unable to support life or expressive minds.

Based on our 5 Layers Model, there are 2 natural elements that are suitable for life:

Element Energy
Carbon This works well with oxygen to utilize physical energy
Silicon This works well with sulfur

This is because the essence of life is expression. To allow its own expression, the Positive Force takes up residence in organic matter.

There it can utilize physical energies, oxygen for carbon-based life, and sulfur for silicon-based, to express what it needs to express.

This oxygen and sulfur are ‘dead energies’. They have no scope for expressiveness nor intelligence. Instead, the positive force uses them by absorbing them into its chosen matrix to facilitate its living expression.

Life begins in such organic matter when 3 ingredient are net:

  1. The living energy
  2. Organic Matter as Material Elementals
  3. Suitable Environment with the 5 Layers


These are not atomic but can take residence in atomic or organic structures in order to get expression. Unlike the Physical Elementals that require long evolution into independent physical organisms, these require a relatively short term to gain expression.

The best example is the virus which “possesses” a living cell or body so that it can express what it came to express.

Most of the time, viruses fail to gain residence in an organic being because of that being’s antibodies*.

Superphysics Note
Such antibodies are programmed by the pineal gland and are not independent. Since this limits very much their expression, antibodies are not classified as Elementals. Rather, they are a part of the human organism i.e. their life and expressiveness is totally dependent on the human organism. You could say that the Covid Virus is the counterpart of the human organism.

While viruses are the most common, there are other semi-physical Elementals which possess people. An example is when a person becomes greedy or compassionate for no reason at all, and then suddenly snaps out of it.

Unlike mental disorders which are recurring, the influence from such elementals is usually a one-off.

The most common example is when a person goes to a new place which appeals to him so much that he wants to say for no specific reason.


Since the purpose of life and mind is independent expression, then the metaphysical is its natural home, just as the physical is the home for matter and non-living things.

Aside from Paracelsus, our other references for this are PR Sarkar, Hindu, Buddhist, and Taoist tradition as these are very common in India.

Indians do not call them “fairies” or “nymphs”. They have their own ancient names for the many varieties of these spirits and/or elementals - Devas, Maruts, Adityas, Rudras, Vasus, Asuras, Daityas, Danavas, Kalakeyas, Nivatakavachas, Panis, Ganas, Abhasvaras, Pramathas, Raumyas, Nagas, Uragas, Pannagas, Mahoragas, Apsaras, Gandharvas, Kinnaras, Vidyadharas, Charanas, Sadhyas, Kindevas, Yakshas, Guhyakas, Gramanis, Dakinis, Dakas, Rakshasas, Brahmarakshasas, Krodhavasas, Nairratas, Suparnas, Bhutas, Pretas, Pishachas, Vetalas, Darbas, Yatudhanis, Makaras, etc.

Faeries are ‘devatas’ in Hinduism i.e. a fariy godmother is an entity that has super powers

We classify the metaphysical elementals into the 5 strata similar to how physical life is organized into kingdoms, genus, species, etc:

Strata Indian Class Name Paracelsus Name
Aethereal Siddha, Vidyadhara, Videhaliina ?
Spatial Ghandarva Sylphs
Radiant Yaksa Vulcani
Convertible Kinnara Nymphs
Material Prakrtilina Gnomes

Like anything above the Physical Radiant Layer, these can be triggered by sound of the Aethereal layer.

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