Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 1

The Material Body and the Mental Body

by Juan Icon
July 8, 2024 3 minutes  • 467 words
Table of contents
Principles Assertions
There are 2 Domains in Reality This leads to a physical (material) body and a metaphysical (aethereal) body
There are 5 Layers in Reality In the physical body, the layers are called elements. In the metaphysical body, they are called strata.

Bio Superphysics splits up the living organisms into:

  • physical body
  • metaphysical body

The physical body is the vehicle to receive physical perceptions and express ideas, thoughts, and reactions onto the physical domain.

The metaphysical body is the actual organism that uses the physical body for such experiences and expressions. To avoid confusing it with other metaphysical objects, we will call it the mental body.

These 2 bodies have similarities and differences.

The 5 Elements in the Physical Body

Everything in the physical domain is made up of some or all of the 5 Layers. To differentiate it from non-living beings, we will call those layers as elements.*

Superphysics Note
If we had used elements for Material Superphysics, people might confuse them with the elements in the periodic table, which is a key concept in Chemistry. The use of elements in Biology, Botany, Zoology is less common that in Chemistry. Usually, the words ‘chemicals’ or ‘minerals’ are used instead of ’elements’. And so we chose to use traditional name of Elements here.

Living bodies are made up of 5 Elements just like everything else in the universe.

Superphysics Physics Greeks (Timaeus) Hindus Chinese Vietnamese
Aethereal ? Aether Akasha 水 still water Thủy
Spatial Gravitation Wind Vayu 木 moving wood Mộc
Radiant Electromagnetism Fire Tejas 火 radiant fire Hỏa
Convertible Weak Water Jala 土 transforming earth Thổ
Material Strong Earth Pritvi 金 solid metal Kim

Here are a few examples of the manifestations in each Element:

Superphysics Manifestation
Aethereal Ideas, Abstract Mind
Spatial Chi/Pranah/Animal Spirits
Radiant Heartbeat, Electrical impulses
Convertible Blood, Bodily Fluids
Material Cells

The 5 Strata of the Metaphysical Body

Superphysics divides reality into the Physical and Metaphysical Domain. This is known to the West as Cartesian duality or mind-body. From the perspective of the Supreme Entity, the Body of the Supreme is made up of physical layers, while His Mind is made up of metaphysical strata:

Aspect Example
Mind Life and Living Energy
Body Matter and Non-living Energy

In other words:

  • the physical universe is the collective body of the Supreme
  • the living minds in that universe is the collective mind of the Supreme

While Material Superphysics deals with matter and non-living energy, Bio Superphysics deals with life and living energy which we call chi, prana, or animal spirits.

We call the Supreme’s Mind aspect as the Metaphysical Domain which we subdivide into 5 Strata which is in line with the 5 Layers discussed in Material Superphysics

Strata Manifestations
Aethereal Soul, Oversoul, Idea
Spatial Chi/Prana/Animal Spirits, Chakras
Radiant Elementals
Convertible Feelings
Material Thoughts

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