Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 11b

The Corruption of Dialectics

by Juan Icon
August 17, 2015 6 minutes  • 1123 words
Table of contents

Chapter 11 explained that mathematics is based on notating effects quantitatively. And so it is totally impotent in finding true causes of phenomena.

The German Corruption of Dialectics

The Germans were good at math and so they corrupted dialectics into a system that deals with effects instead of the cause. For example, Hegel* focused on the fight between negative and positive in dialectics:

[The Platonic Dialectic in Parmenides] is based in mere conceit as a subjective itch for unsettling what is fixed.
Science of Logic, Introduction

Chalybaus then misinterpreted this fight in Hegel’s dialectic and used it to emphasize thesis-antithesis-synthesis in historical events.

Engels and Marx then fully corrupted this churning of thesis-antithesis-synthesis by saying that it was caused by physical conditions, under materialism. A better churn would result if the material conditions were mastered.

The dialectical materialism of Marx resulted in evil, suffering, and death, which are the opposite of what the dialectics of Plato and Socrates aimed for.

Since then, the metaphysical and dharmic nature of Socratic dialetics have been forgotten. Dialectics nowadays refers to the German dialectics that lack the concept of True Nature or Dharma.

Kant and Marx

Materialism, from both the German and British philosophers of the 19th century, extinguished the Enlightenment and led to World Wars, Communist Revolution, and the spread of Panics and Crashes.

These problems exist until today as terrorism, inequality, and global warming disasters. This is because the same materialistic root was never removed.

Materialistic science will not be able to solve the problems created by materialism. Only Socratic dialetics, with its metaphysical base, can go out of the box and see the problem with new eyes.

The Re-Enlightenment

If the scientific revolution upgraded the natural philosopher into a scientist, then the dialectical revolution will upgrade the scientist into a superscientist (or dialectical scientist), with the upgrade representing a ’level-up’ in human understanding.

This upgrade manifests as the huge amounts of data and information absorbed and processed by the dialectician from all sources anywhere in the world in all of human history which the scientist neglects or refuses. For example, scientists refuse to regard myths and metaphysical works as information. They immediately refuse ideas from Ayurveda, Feng Shui, Reiki, souls, aliens, other dimensions, etc.

Dialectics is unbiased and so it can take this mass of ideas to be churned in order to extract common patterns that can lead to more solid principles. For example, it takes the observations on the levitation of Buddhist monks and the zipping of UFOs to add new possibilities of movement and propulsion to benefit space travel. These observations are then put into the black box of dialectical principles in order to create new ones.

For example, we run Einstein’s General Relativity through Socrates’ principles or black box to reveal its fatal flaws. We run it again through Descartes principles in order to come up with The Elastic Theory of Gravity that matches Quantum Mechanics.

This system of collecting all possible data and then churning them with principles in order to come up with solutions is then called Superphysics.

The trigger for the original dialectics of Socrates was the prevalence of writing and literature among the Greeks. The trigger for Superphysics is the internet and all the content loaded in it.

Science cannot solve things conclusively because it is based on effect, relying solely on material perceptions.

Superphysics, on the other hand, is based on cause, as the principles of how Nature works. It then tests these principles through material perceptions.

In the evolution of human understanding, Superphysics is the next and last stage after science.

Author Natural Principles Method System Technological Trigger
Socrates True nature Dialectics Science of Harmonics Writing & Literacy
Hume Treatise of Human Nature Critical Thinking Science of Man Printing Press
Our version 6-Sense Metaphysics Data science + Dialectics Superphysics Internet
Future version 6-Sense Universal Metaphysics Universal Dialectics Universal Superphysics Intergalactic Communication

How We Apply Socratic Dialectics

We use the Socratic dialectical approach and the scientific approach to solve Covid symptoms:

Scientific Approach Dialectical Approach
1. Note down the symptoms 1. Note down the symptoms
2. Test the drugs or treatments suggested by Western Medicine 2. Test the drugs or treatmens suggested by Western Medicine
3. Test the drugs or treatments suggested by Naturopathy
4. Test the drugs or treatments suggested by Ayurveda
5. Test the drugs or treatments suggested by Traditional Chinese Medicine
6. Test the drugs or treatments suggested by Homeopathy
7. Know the principles of each medical paradigm and find patterns to find out which paradigm deals best with Covid 19
the science of harmony, is a laborious study and this is why we should learn it. It will tell us whether there are any other applications of these sciences. At the same time, we must not lose sight of our own higher object.
The Republic Simplified, Book 7, Chapter 4

Notice how the Socratic dialectical approach is more laborious and lengthy than the scientific approach. This is evident in Socratic dialogues which are made very long by the dialectician expounding on every minor topic in order to reveal its true nature, which will in turn reveal the true nature of the bigger picture.

This laborious method produces a huge dataset that is similar to the “table of existence and presence” described by Francis Bacon:

The investigation of forms proceeds thus from a given nature, we first present to the understanding all the known instances which agree in the same nature, even if the subject matter is considerably diversified. This collection must be made as a mere history, without any premature reflection.

For instance, take the investigation of the form of heat. Instances agreeing in the Form of Heat:

  1. The rays of the sun, particularly in summer, and at noon.
  2. The same reflected and condensed, as between mountains, or along walls, and particularly in burning mirrors.
  3. Ignited meteors.
  4. Burning lightning.
  5. Eruptions of flames from the cavities of mountains, etc.
  6. Flame of every kind.

  1. Other instances.

This is a table of existence and presence

To make dialectics less laborious, we apply machine learning algorithms in order to extract new ideas which will then lead into a new table with the ’noise’ removed. That new table will then lead to better ideas which will form a better table. That table is ran through the algorithm again until the effect matches the principles.

This collection of tables, when constantly compared with new perceptions, will lead to a dynamic thinking process which we call Artificial Sentience. This is different from Aritifical Intelligence which is limited to a closed set of data.

To explain artificial sentience, we must first explain how dialectical truths are different from scientific truths. This will be done in the next subchapter.

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