Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 1

The Two Domains

by Juan Icon
February 20, 2025 6 minutes  • 1070 words
Table of contents

All of our perceptions have a physical and metaphysical aspect.

For example, when we are in a crowded restaurant, we can physically hear various conversations. But our limited minds are unable to create an idea for each conversation – we do not know what the people in each table is talking about.

Instead, we lump these perceptions as a single idea of a noisy restarurant.

When we see a mug, we have both the physical perception of a mug and a metaphysical idea of a mug nearly at the same time.

A physical mug exists in physical reality just as the idea of a mug exists in metaphysical reality

The two are one and the same thing displayed through different attributes:

  1. A circle existing in nature
  2. The idea of a circle existing
The Ethics Simplified, Part 2, Proposition 7

The Two Domains

This means that the mug exists in two domains of reality:

  1. The physical mug exists in the physical domain, which we see and touch.

This mug is made of glass.

  1. The metaphysical mug exists in the metaphysical domain, as our idea of what a mug is.

This mug-idea is made of aether.

Unlike the physical mug which we can see and touch, this aethereal mug-idea can only be perceived by our abstract minds.


Let the investigation of forms, which are eternal and immutable, constitute metaphysics.

Let the investigation of the efficient cause of matter, constitute physics.

Nova Organum, Book 2
The 2 Domains
The Physical Domain extends from the material layer up to the mid-spatial layer. The Metaphysical Domain extends from the mid-spatial layer up to the aethereal layer.

The Physical Domain

This domain exists only because of our physical senses, most commonly by our sight and touch.

Our senses let us perceive the mug physically by receiving the sensations of light that bounce back from them.

Invisible and intangible objects are those that do not let light or space bounce back.

An example is the air which lets light and our hands pass through.

The Metaphysical Domain with Metaphysical Objects, as Ideas

The schools by natural philosophy were meant for the knowledge of the efficients or things concrete; and by metaphysics the knowledge of the forms of natures simple.
The Interpretation of Nature, Chap 13

This domain exists only because we have abstract minds which have an innate ability to ‘house’ or have ideas and thoughts.

We are able to conceive an idea, or think of a thought, if it bounces back in our minds onto our consciousness.

We are unable to have that idea or thought if it does not bounce back to our consciousness.

An example of a metaphysical object not bouncing back is when we forget a password to our email.

The password was in our minds in the past. But our consciousness could not ‘find’ it because the effort that the mind exerts in remembering it does not bounce back with the actual password.

It would be like querying a database without the query returning anything.

Another example is a problem that we have no solution for, such as:

  • how to increase sales that are declining, or
  • how to make a device work.

In such cases, we think about the solution by:

  • brainstorming, or
  • tinkering with the device

Even then, the solution might still not reflect to our consciousness.

The solution might finally reflect after we:

  • ask our customers directly, or
  • read the device’s user manual.

At that moment, our minds feel a relief since its effort can end.

The Metaphysical Domain Versus the Physical Domain

The metaphysical domain exists inside our abstract minds and is infinitely larger and richer than physical domain of our senses.

The word “non-physical” merely negates physicality. But the word “metaphysical” refers to existence that is independent of physicality.

If Person A were to go from the lower to the middle region, he would imagine that he is going up. Person B is in the middle region but has never seen the true upper world. He sees Person A coming and imagines that he has arrived in the upper region. If Person A goes back down, Person B would imagine that he was descending. This would arise out of his ignorance of the true upper, middle, and lower regions.
The Republic by Plato Simplifed, Book 9, Chapter 3

Technically, this domain is “aethereal” or made of aether or akasha in Hinduism. This will be explained later when we explain our Five Layer Model.

These causes generate an inequality which is always maintained, and is continually creating a perpetual motion of the elements… The brightest part is called the aether. The most turbid sort is mist and darkness.
Timaeus by Plato Simplifed
Light waves come from the flower and touch your eyes. A similar flower is created in your mind. Actually, you are not seeing the flower. You are seeing the mental image of the flower within. You never see anything, you never hear anything, you never even touch anything. Whatever you perceive or whatever you conceive – everything is within you, nothing is outside of you. That is why it is said that the entire universe is within you in miniature form. You are seeing the psychic projection of the material world. This is why I say that the human entity is more psychic than physical.

These 3 regions of metaphysical domain, physical domain, and current perception (as a merger of both) are expressed in our Superphysics icon.

Superphysics icon
  • The blue upward triangle reprsents the metaphysical domain going upwards
  • The green downward triangle represents the physical domain going ‘down to earth’
  • The yellow circle represents the focus of the mind as the here and now, as a combination of both.

The balance of the triangles represents the balance between the abstract and the concrete. We can’t focus on useless theory all the time. Nor can we go around doing physical actions without thinking of their causes and effects.

Inaction leads to nothing. But haste, on the contrary, also makes waste.

Human minds have limited abilities and so our focus must be relevant in order to maximize and concentrate what little we have. For example, as a species, it would be better to focus on solutions to global warming than to think of how to make more money, create a new cryptocurrency, or predict the stock market. The latter ideas are really based on selfish-interest instead of the common-interest.

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