Yang-Mills Theory
Yang-Mills Theory is the foundation of the Standard Model that Superphysics aims to replace with the 5 Elements Model of Descartes
Section 13
A Single Instanton in SU (2) →

Section 14
General Instanton Solutions →

Section 15
Instanton Contributions to the Path Integral →

Section 16
The Flow to Strong Coupling →

Section 17
Anti-Screening and Paramagnetism →

Section 18
Computing the Beta Function →

Section 19
One-Loop Determinants →

Section 20
The Gauge Contribution →

Section 21
Electric Probes and Coulomb Versus Confining →

Section 22
Non-Abelian Coulomb Force →

Section 23
Flux Lines in a Superconductor →

Section 24
Type I, Type II and Bogomonlyi →