Yang-Mills Theory
Yang-Mills Theory is the foundation of the Standard Model that Superphysics aims to replace with the 5 Elements Model of Descartes
Section 1
Lie Groups and Lie Algebra →

Section 2
The Action Principle →

Section 3
Gauge Symmetry →

Section 4
Wilson Lines and Wilson Loops →

Section 5
Quantising the Colour Degree of Freedom →

Section 6
The Path Integral over the Colour Degrees of Freedom →

Section 7
Canonical Quantisation of Yang-Mills →

Section 8
Building the Hilbert Space →

Section 9
Is the Chern-Simons Functional Gauge Invariant? →

Section 10
The Chern-Simons Functional is not Gauge Invariant! →

Section 11
The Theta Angle as a “Hidden” Parameter →

Section 12
What are Instantons? →