Superphysics Superphysics

England's Treasure on Foreign Trade

England's Treasure on Foreign Trade 1664
How the Revenues of Princes can be raised
Chapter 16
How the Revenues of Princes can be raised →
Is it necessary for Princes to Have a Store of Treasure?
Chapter 17
Is it necessary for Princes to Have a Store of Treasure? →
How much Treasure a Prince can save yearly
Chapter 18
How much Treasure a Prince can save yearly →
The different effects of Natural and Artificial Wealth
Chapter 19
The different effects of Natural and Artificial Wealth →
The order and means to draw up the balance of our Foreign Trade
Chapter 20
The order and means to draw up the balance of our Foreign Trade →
Conclusion on Foreign Trade
Chapter 21
Conclusion on Foreign Trade →
Selling Our Money in the Merchandise Trade increases our Wealth
Chapter 4
Selling Our Money in the Merchandise Trade increases our Wealth →