Superphysics Superphysics

The Annunaki Quran

We replace 'Enki' with Enki or Enlil based on Sumerian mythology, an effort to solve extremism conclusively.
Sura 38a
Saad →
Throngs (az-Zumar)
Sura 39
Throngs (az-Zumar) →
Sura 40
FORGIVER (Ghafir) →
Detailed (Fussilat)
Sura 41a
Detailed (Fussilat) →
Consultation (ash-Shura)
Sura 42a
Consultation (ash-Shura) →
Decorations (az-Zukhruf)
Sura 43a
Decorations (az-Zukhruf) →
Smoke (ad-Dukhan)
Sura 44a
Smoke (ad-Dukhan) →
Kneeling (al-Jathiyah)
Sura 45
Kneeling (al-Jathiyah) →
The Dunes (al-Ahqaf)
Sura 46a
The Dunes (al-Ahqaf) →
Victory (al-Fath)
Sura 48
Victory (al-Fath) →
The Chambers (al-Hujurat)
Sura 49
The Chambers (al-Hujurat) →
Sura 50a
Qaf →